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[SOLVED] Greek words in regular expression


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Hi ! i am working on a script and using a regular expression to fetch the data, these are the codes i am using on multiple places, how can i include a greek words in this, currently it accept only English:


preg_match_all('/<([a-z0-9\-]+)(.*?)>((.*?)<\/\1>)?/is', $html, $m);
preg_match('/<[a-z0-9\-]+.*?>/is', $m[4][$t])
preg_match_all('/\$([a-z0-9_\-]+)/i', $if_term, $m);
preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-]/i', '', $k);


Thanks for any support.

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Thanks Cags ! i search a little bit about this and found this in an answer for Arabic support :



The PHP manual mentions: "Extended properties such as "Greek" or "InMusicalSymbols" are not supported by PCRE." But that's not entirely true anymore. PCRE release 6.5 added support for script names.


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Indeed. If you search about abit it does appear that pcre supports Greek as a script name for \p. So I had a quick play around and it does indeed work....




...will match greek words.


Edit: Assuming I checked it right, lol, not knowing greek I had to rely on google and wikipedia to find a test string.

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Thanks Cags you are always a big help  ::)


in fact i am not sure where to include this in my line could you please show me ~[\p{Greek}]+~u included in any line above so i can get english or greek both :

preg_match_all('/<([a-z0-9\-]+)(.*?)>((.*?)<\/\1>)?/is', $html, $m);


Thank you :)

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Assuming I'm understanding it correctly [\p{Greek}] represents 'any Greek character' in much the same way as [a-z] represents 'any "English" character'. So adding \p{Greek} to your character class should allow Greek characters. The only thing to remember is to use the u modifier to make the match Unicode.


preg_match_all('/<([\p{Greek}a-z0-9\-]+)(.*?)>((.*?)<\/\1>)?/isu', $html, $m);


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Thanks Cags i tried but i i am still missing something, plz have a look at the lines i edited not sure if this was the way  :-[


preg_match_all('/<([\p{Greek}a-z0-9\-]+)(.*?)>((.*?)<\/\1>)?/isu', $html, $m)
preg_match('/<[\p{Greek}a-z0-9\-]+.*?>/isu', $m[4][$t])
preg_match_all('/\$([\p{Greek}a-z0-9_\-]+)/iu', $if_term, $m)
preg_replace('/[^\p{Greek}a-z0-9_\-]/iu', '', $k);

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here is the complete class i am using.



class htmlsql {

    // configuration:

    // htmlSQL version:
    var $version = '0.5';

    // referer and user agent:
    var $referer = '';
    var $user_agent = 'htmlSQL/0.5';
    // these are filled on runtime:
    // (don't touch them)
    // holds snoopy object:
    var $snoopy = NULL;
    // the results array is stored in here:
    var $results = array();
    // the results objects are stored in here:
    var $results_objects = NULL;

    // the error message gets stored in here:
    var $error = '';
    // the downloaded page is stored in here:
    var $page = '';
    ** init_snoopy
    ** initializes the snoopy class
    function init_snoopy(){
        $this->snoopy = new Snoopy();
        $this->snoopy->agent = $this->user_agent;
        $this->snoopy->referer = $this->referer;
    ** set_user_agent
    ** set a custom user agent
    function set_user_agent($u){ 
        $this->user_agent = $u;
    ** set_referer
    ** sets the referer
    function set_referer($r){ 
        $this->referer = $r;
    ** _get_between
    ** returns the content between $start and $end
    function _get_between($content,$start,$end){
        $r = explode($start, $content);
        if (isset($r[1])){
            $r = explode($end, $r[1]);
            return $r[0];
        return '';
    ** connect
    ** connects to a data source (url, file or string)
    function connect($type, $resource){        
        if ($type == 'url'){ 
            return $this->_fetch_url($resource);
        else if ($type == 'file') { 
            if (!file_exists($resource)){ 
                $this->error = 'The given file "'.$resource.' does not exist!';
                return false;
            $this->page = file_get_contents($resource); return true;
        else if ($type == 'string') { $this->page = $resource; return true; }
        return false;
    ** _fetch_url
    ** downloads the given URL with snoopy
    function _fetch_url($url){
        $parsed_url = parse_url($url);
        if (!isset($parsed_url['scheme']) or $parsed_url['scheme'] != 'http'){ 
            $this->error = 'Unsupported URL sheme given, please just use "HTTP".';
            return false;
        if (!isset($parsed_url['host']) or $parsed_url['host'] == ''){ 
            $this->error = 'Invalid URL given!';
            return false;
        $host = $parsed_url['host'];
        $host .= (isset($parsed_url['port']) and  !empty($parsed_url['port'])) ? ':'.$parsed_url['port'] : '';
        $path = (isset($parsed_url['path']) and  !empty($parsed_url['path'])) ? $parsed_url['path'] : '/';
        $path .= (isset($parsed_url['query']) and  !empty($parsed_url['query'])) ? '?'.$parsed_url['query'] : '';
        $url = 'http://' . $host . $path;
            $this->page = $this->snoopy->results;
            // empty buffer:
            $this->snoopy->results = '';                
        else {
            $this->error = 'Could not establish a connection to the given URL!';
            return false;
        return true;        
    ** _extract_all_tags
    function _extract_all_tags($html, &$tag_names, &$tag_attributes, &$tag_values, $depth=0){
        // stop endless loops:
        if ($depth > 99999){ return; }
        preg_match_all('/<([\p{Greek}a-z0-9\-]+)(.*?)>((.*?)<\/\1>)?/isu', $html, $m);
        if (count($m[0]) != 0){
            for ($t=0; $t < count($m[0]); $t++){
                $tag_names[] = trim($m[1][$t]);
                $tag_attributes[] = trim($m[2][$t]);
                $tag_values[] = trim($m[4][$t]);
                // go deeper:
                if (trim($m[4][$t]) != '' and preg_match('/<[\p{Greek}a-z0-9\-]+.*?>/isu', $m[4][$t])){
                    $this->_extract_all_tags($m[4][$t], $tag_names, $tag_attributes, $tag_values, $depth+1);
    ** isolate_content
    ** isolates the content to a specific part
    function isolate_content($start,$end){
        $this->page = $this->_get_between($this->page, $start, $end);

    ** select
    ** restricts the content of a specific tag
    function select($tagname, $num=0){        
        if ($tagname != ''){
            preg_match('/<'.$tagname.'.*?>(.*?)<\/'.$tagname.'>/is', $this->page, $m);
            if (isset($m[$num]) and !empty($m[$num])){ 
                $this->page = $m[$num];
            else {
                $this->error = 'Could not select tag: "'.$tagname.'('.$num.')"!';
                return false;
        return true;        
    ** get_content
    ** returns the content of an request
    function get_content(){ 
        return $this->page;
    ** _clean_array
    function _clean_array($arr){
        $new = array();
        for ($x=0; $x < count($arr); $x++){
            $arr[$x] = trim($arr[$x]);
            if ($arr[$x] != ''){ $new[] = $arr[$x]; }
        return $new;
    ** _test_tag
    function _test_tag($tag_attributes, $if_term){
        preg_match_all('/\$([\p{Greek}a-z0-9_\-]+)/iu', $if_term, $m);
        if (isset($m[1])){
            for ($x=0; $x < count($m[1]); $x++){
                $varname = $m[1][$x];
                $$varname = '';
        $new_list = array();
        while (list($k,$v) = each($tag_attributes)){
            $k = preg_replace('/[^\p{Greek}a-z0-9_\-]/iu', '', $k);
            if ($k != ''){ $new_list[$k] = $v; }
        $r = false;            
        if (@eval('$r = ('.$if_term.');') === false){
            $this->error = 'The WHERE statement is invalid (eval() failed)!';
            return false;
        return $r;
    ** _match_tags
    function _match_tags(&$results, &$return_values, &$where_term, &$tag_attributes, &$tag_values, &$tag_names){
        $search_mode = ''; $search_attribute = ''; $search_term = '';
        ** parse:
        ** href LIKE ".htm"
        ** class = "foo"
        $where_term = trim($where_term);

        $search_mode = ($where_term == '') ? 'match_all' : 'eval';

        for ($x=0; $x < count($tag_attributes); $x++){
            $tag_attributes[$x] = $this->parse_attributes($tag_attributes[$x]);
            if (is_array($tag_names)){ 
                $tag_attributes[$x]['tagname'] = isset($tag_names[$x]) ? $tag_names[$x] : '';
            else { $tag_attributes[$x]['tagname'] = $tag_names; } // string
            $tag_attributes[$x]['text'] = isset($tag_values[$x]) ? $tag_values[$x] : '';

            if ($search_mode == 'eval'){
                if ($this->_test_tag($tag_attributes[$x], $where_term)){
                    $this->_add_result($results, $return_values, $tag_attributes[$x]);
            else if ($search_mode == 'match_all'){
                $this->_add_result($results, $return_values, $tag_attributes[$x]);
    ** query
    ** performs a query
    function query($term){
        // query results are stored in here:
        $results = array();
        $this->results = NULL;
        $this->results_objects = NULL;
        $term = trim($term);
        if ($term == ''){
            $this->error = 'Empty query given!';
            return false;
        // match query:
        preg_match('/^SELECT (.*?) FROM (.*)$/i', $term, $m);
        // parse returns values
        // SELECT * FROM ...
        // SELECT foo,bar FROM ...
        $return_values = isset($m[1]) ? trim($m[1]) : '*';
        if ($return_values != '*'){ 
            $return_values = explode(',', strtolower($return_values));
            $return_values = $this->_clean_array($return_values);                
        // match from and where part:
        // ... FROM * WHERE $id=="one"
        // ... FROM a WHERE $class=="red"
        // ... FROM a 
        // ... FROM *
        $last = isset($m[2]) ? trim($m[2]) : '';
        $search_term = '';
        $where_term = '';
        if (preg_match('/^(.*?) WHERE (.*?)$/i', $last, $m)){
            $search_term = trim($m[1]);
            $where_term = trim($m[2]);
        else {
            $search_term = $last;
        ** find tags:

        if ($search_term == '*'){
            // search all

            $tag_names = array();
            $tag_attributes = array();
            $tag_values = array();

            $html = $this->page;
            $this->_extract_all_tags($html, $tag_names, $tag_attributes, $tag_values);
            $this->_match_tags($results, $return_values, $where_term, $tag_attributes, $tag_values, $tag_names);
        else {
            // search term is a tag
            $tagname = trim($search_term);
            $tag_attributes = array();
            $tag_values = array();

            $regexp = '<'.$tagname.'([ \t].*?|)>((.*?)<\/'.$tagname.'>)?';
            preg_match_all('/'.$regexp.'/is', $this->page, $m);
            if (count($m[0]) != 0){
                $tag_attributes = $m[1];
                $tag_values = $m[3];
            $this->_match_tags($results, $return_values, $where_term, $tag_attributes, $tag_values, $tagname);
        $this->results = $results;
        // was there a error during the search process?
        if ($this->error != ''){
            return false;
        return true;
    ** convert_tagname_to_key
    ** converts the tagname to the array key
    function convert_tagname_to_key(){
        $new_array = array();
        while(list($key,$val) = each($this->results)){
            if (isset($val['tagname'])){
                $tag_name = $val['tagname'];
            else { $tag_name = '(empty)'; }
            $new_array[$tag_name] = $val;
        $this->results = $new_array;
    ** fetch_array
    ** returns the results as an array
    function fetch_array(){
        return $this->results;
    ** _array2object
    ** converts an array to an object
    function _array2object($array) {

        if (is_array($array)) {
            $obj = new StdClass();
            foreach ($array as $key => $val){        
                $obj->$key = $val;
        else { $obj = $array; }
        return $obj;
    ** fetch_objects
    ** returns the results as objects
    function fetch_objects(){
        if ($this->results_objects == NULL){
            $results = array();
            while(list($key,$val) = each($this->results)){
                $results[$key] = $this->_array2object($val);
            $this->results_objects = $results;
            return $this->results_objects;
        else {
            return $this->results_objects;
    ** get_result_count
    ** returns the number of results
    function get_result_count(){
        return count($this->results);
    ** _add_result
    function _add_result(&$results, $return_values, $tag_attributes){

        if ($return_values == '*'){
            $results[] = $tag_attributes;
        else if (is_array($return_values)){
            $new_result = array(); 
            for ($t=0; $t < count($return_values); $t++){
                $_tagname = explode(' as ', $return_values[$t]);
                $_caption = $return_values[$t];
                if (count($_tagname) != 1){ 
                    $_caption = trim($_tagname[1]);
                    $_tagname = trim($_tagname[0]);
                else { $_tagname = $_caption; }

                $new_result[$_caption] = isset($tag_attributes[$_tagname]) ? $tag_attributes[$_tagname] : '';
            $results[] = $new_result;
    ** parse_attributes
    ** parses HTML attributes and returns an array
    function parse_attributes($attrib){
        $attrib .= '>';
        $mode = 'search_key';
        $tmp = ''; 
        $current_key = '';
        $attributes = array();
        for ($x=0; $x < strlen($attrib); $x++){
            $char = $attrib[$x];
            if ($char == '=' and $mode == 'search_key'){
                $current_key = trim($tmp);
                $tmp = '';
                $mode = 'value';
            else if ($mode == 'search_key' and preg_match('/[ \t\s\r\n>]/', $char)){ 
                $current_key = strtolower(trim($tmp));
                if ($current_key != ''){ $attributes[$current_key] = ''; }
                $tmp = ''; $current_key = '';
            else if ($mode == 'value' and $char == '"'){ $mode = 'find_value_ending_a'; }
            else if ($mode == 'value' and $char == '\''){ $mode = 'find_value_ending_b'; }
            else if ($mode == 'value'){ $tmp .= $char; $mode = 'find_value_ending_c'; }
            else if (
                ($mode == 'find_value_ending_a' and $char == '"') or 
                ($mode == 'find_value_ending_b' and $char == '\'') or 
                ($mode == 'find_value_ending_c' and preg_match('/[ \t\s\r\n>]/', $char))
                $mode = 'search_key';
                if ($current_key != ''){
                    $current_key = strtolower($current_key);
                    $attributes[$current_key] = $tmp;
                $tmp = '';
            else { $tmp .= $char; }                
        if ($mode != 'search_key' and $current_key != ''){ 
            $current_key = strtolower($current_key);
            $attributes[$current_key] = trim(preg_replace('/>+$/', '', $tmp));
        return $attributes;


i know its a big file :confused:

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Yes, it's a big file and it's also in no way relevant. What difference does the rest of your script make to your regular expression?! In order to create a successfull, acurate regular expression pattern, you need to know exactly what information you wish to match. Most people are extremely poor at describing exactly what needs to be matched. So the easiest solution is to give an example input string and saying which part you wish to be matched.

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...Most people are extremely poor at describing exactly what needs to be matched. So the easiest solution is to give an example input string and saying which part you wish to be matched.


Which is precisely why we have a sticky on how to ask a regex question8)  Oh, how many times have I seen a thread drag on due to poorly communicated OPs in the first place? There's a reason why people requested I create a 'not psychic' smiley:  :psychic:

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I wasn't sure so I tried looking it up for you...


Extended properties such as "Greek" or "InMusicalSymbols" are not supported by PCRE.


Source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.unicode.php


This needs amending, as of PHP 5.1.3 the bundled PCRE library was 6.6 (previously 6.2 if I'm reading the logs correctly). From that version onwards, script names like Arabic, Greek and Latin are available. Of course, servers/hosts might not be using the bundled library so check which version of the library you're using (phpinfo() will tell you).  Please file a "Documentation problem" bug report (http://bugs.php.net/report.php) and someone will look into changing it.  :shy:

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