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my google rankings


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hi, i just submitted my site http://oddnerdrum.info to google a week ago. the keywords for it relate to "odd nerdrum". i have a lot of content on him on my index page. and you can see how i linked to other sites here http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=%22oddnerdrum.info%22&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=b9f14b8456039e.  my other site, http://derekvanderven.com/mainsite.html , that domain has been around for a few years so its second in rank on google for "odd nerdrum" sometimes. i was wondering if and when you think my "oddnerdrum.info" will rank as good as my other page, or what id have to do to get there? any help GREATLY appreciated. thank you. derek

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