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Faster way to echo {$array['foo']} or ".$array['foo']." or $foo = $array['foo']


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I am using echo to display a table with data from mysql database. Since there is quite a bit of data I want it to display as fast as possible. What is the faster way to echo elements of the row i get from mysql query result?


Right now i am doing  echo "blah {$row['foo']} blah";

before i had echo "blah".$row['foo']."blah"; but using the . seems slow

the other options are:

1: $element = $row['foo'];

echo "blah $element blah";

2: Use a stringBuilder library found here: http://cfgmgr.mirrors.phpclasses.org/browse/file/23722.html

it uses sprintf to concat strings on lower level


All suggestions are appreciated, Thank you in advance



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Benchmarks using loops of 10,000 echo statements have shown that putting a variable inside of a double-quoted string is slightly faster than using concatenation. If my memory is correct, a few 1/100 of a second for a loop of 10K.


You would need to benchmark if that or a sprintf() is faster.


Assigning one variable to another just to put the second variable into a string, when the first variable could be put into the string directly, would always be less efficient than just putting the original variable into the string.

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The differences in time spent using any of those methods will be negligible when compared to the time spent by your script talking to MySQL and likely other things happening in your script. Don't worry about which way of echoing a value is quicker until you really need it. Even then, do your own case-specific thorough research to arrive at a conclusion (if you can).

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but using a loop would mean the processor would be calculating the same logic over and over again (unless of course the variable used was created dynamically inside the loop?? which would cause in-accurate results...)

Wouldn't that cause an increase in processing speed after the first iteration due to the cache controller pulling the calculated data and result into L1 Cache and causing in-accurate results for the remaining iterations?

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Quick benchmark (on my PC)

echo "test $r";

echo 'test '.$r;

echo "test {$r}";

sprintf( "test %s",$r);

sprintf( 'test %s',$r);




sample code

$rnd = array();
$rnd['test'.$n] = md5(uniqid(true));
$start = microtime(true);
foreach($rnd as $K => $r){
echo "test $r";
echo "<BR />\n";
echo microtime(true)-$start;

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