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How do I keep simple text formatting when echo'd from database?


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Ok, I have a database with tons of user-submitted data, each somewhere over 200 characters.  When I do a normal way of echoing a row from it all formatting is gone.  (I dont mean like bold and stuff, there is no coding in text) but where the user hits enter is gone.  For example:


User enters this:

Hi, Im Bob

This is my text entry.


Database knows its this:

Hi, Im Bob

This is my text entry.


Comes out on php page as this:

Hi, Im BobThis is my text entry.


Here is the code that echo's the data, I just wanna know how to keep that formatting there...


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM snews WHERE id = '0' LIMIT 0,1");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  {$cnumber = $row['id2'];
    $pointsgetter = $row['username'];
    $article = $row['id2'];
  echo $row['username'] . " wrote:<br>" . $row['title'] . "<br><br>" . $row['content'] . "<br><br>About: " . $row['game'];
  echo "<br><a href='mod1.php?action=approve&cnumber=$cnumber'>[Approve]</a>";
  echo " <a href='mod1.php?action=delnews&cnumber=$article'>[Delete]</a>";

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because html sucks, they dont show newline character, even u have in code\

they only show <br /> as new line


Because html sucks? How does that suck, it was designed that way for a very good reason. If it was not then you would get a TON of new lines just from the code being on separate lines itself and if you were to only code new lines when text was involved, well that would be a mess of code and very hard to read.

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