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Text replacing


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Hi i have the following text,


Groups you own

Your groups

Create a new group


I want to replace the word 'Groups,groups and group' with 'Organizations,organizations and organization' respectively from the above text.


For example, The above text should like


Organizations you own

Your organizations

Create a new organization


Could you please help me on this... :)



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Hi i have the following text,


Groups you own

Your groups

Create a new group


I want to replace the word 'Groups,groups and group' with 'Organizations,organizations and organization' respectively from the above text.


For example, The above text should like


Organizations you own

Your organizations

Create a new organization


Could you please help me on this... :)


You can use str_replace, A really simple function and can simply replace 'groups' with 'organizations', and 'group' with 'organization', retaining the plural syntax.

$phrase  = "Organizations you own, Your organizations, Create a new organization";
$old = array("group", "groups");
$new   = array("organization", "organizations");

$newphrase = str_replace($old, $new, $phrase);
echo $newphrase; //Should be what you want it.

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A way to take care of the casing:


$str = 'Groups you own
Your groups
Create a new group';
function _callback($matches) {
$matches[0] = 'organization';
if (ctype_upper($matches[1])) {
	$matches[0] = ucwords($matches[0]);
return ($matches[2] ? $matches[0] . 's' : $matches[0]);
$str = preg_replace_callback('~\b(g)roup(s?)\b~i', '_callback', $str);
echo $str;

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Slick solution, thebadbad :)


Got me thinking of an alternative one without the need of captures:


$str = 'Groups you own
Your groups
Create a new group';

function _callback($matches){
    $replace = (ctype_upper($matches[0][0]))? 'Organization': 'organization';
    return (substr($matches[0], -1, 1) == 's')? $replace . 's': $replace;

echo $str = preg_replace_callback('#\bgroups?\b#i', '_callback', $str);



Granted, this feels like a violation of DRY by replicating the word 'organization' twice in essence (could also be troubling in the event of a typo with one of the conditions). An alternative callback could then be:


function _callback($matches){
    $replace = 'organization';
$replace = ucfirst($replace);
    return (substr($matches[0], -1, 1) == 's')? $replace . 's': $replace;


As usual, so many ways to solve a problem. At first glance, I was confused by your regex pattern (the captures threw me off initially).. wasn't until I examined your callback that I understood :)


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I think this would be a really nice candidate for a closure in PHP 5.3, something along the lines of :


function create_callback($replace) {
return function ($match) use ($replace) {
	if (ctype_upper($match[0][0])) {
		$replace[0] = strtoupper($replace[0]);
	return $replace;

echo $str = preg_replace_callback('/\bgroup(?=s?\b)/i', create_callback('organization'), $str);


I also changed the regular expression so that the callback doesn't need to take care of pluralising.

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Yet another slick solution ( good one salathe :) ) I particularly like the lookahead assertion dealing with the [optional s] and word boundery - as you said, doesn't need to take care of pluralsim. Bonus points for you. With all these solutions flying around, you'd think the holiday giving season is here or something.  :sarcastic:


We could even base your solution on PHP 5.2.x:


function _callback($matches, $replace = 'organization'){
$replace[0] = strtoupper($replace[0]);
    return $replace;

echo $str = preg_replace_callback('/\bgroup(?=s?\b)/i', '_callback', $str);

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