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Odd $_GET issue driving me crazy!


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So i have a form with dropdowns. All dropdowns are static with the exception of one dropdown which changes via AJAX depending on what the previous dropdown has selected.


So... once the first dropdown is selected, it passes a "branch id" through ajax to a page that does this.


//get the q parameter from URL
$q = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["q"]);

$SP_query = "SELECT * FROM xr_dept WHERE BranchID = '$q'";
$SP_sql = mysql_query($SP_query) or die(mysql_error());

$display_string = "<select name='form_department' id='form_department' class='login_txt_box'>";
while($SP_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($SP_sql))
	$display_string .= "<option value='" . $SP_result['DeptID'] . "'>" . $SP_result['DeptName'] . "</option>";
$display_string .= "</select>";
echo $display_string;


So based on the branch selected, department names are selected from the database.

And the string to echo the entire select form field is echoed.


This part works just fine as intended.


The issue is, when i post using "get" method... the form_department does not get passed and i just cant see why. Could the way i generate the drop down field have something to do with this?




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Here's the whole 9 yards of code so you have everything you need to gimmie your best guesstimates.


Start like so...

<select name="form_branch" id="form_branch" class="form_dropdown" onChange="ajaxFunctionDDD(this.value)">
        <option value="0">SELECT A BRANCH</option>
	$branch_query = "SELECT * FROM xr_branch";
	$branch_sql = mysql_query($branch_query) or die(mysql_error());
	$branch_res = mysql_fetch_assoc($branch_sql);
            <option value="<?php echo $branch_res['BranchID']; ?>"><?php echo $branch_res['BranchName']; ?></option>
	while($branch_res = mysql_fetch_assoc($branch_sql));


---- Notice the "onChange="ajaxFunctionDDD(this.value)""  this calls the ajax which looks like so..


// AJAX for dropdown creation on Add employee Form
function ajaxFunctionDDD(q)
//	alert(q);
var ajaxRequest;  // The variable that makes Ajax possible!

	// Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
	ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e){
	// Internet Explorer Browsers
		ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
	} catch (e) {
			ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
		} catch (e){
			// Something went wrong
			alert("Your browser broke!");
			return false;
// Create a function that will receive data sent from the server
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
	if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
		var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById('TheDropdownTD');
		ajaxDisplay.innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText;
ajaxRequest.open("GET", "../DepDropDown.php?q=" + q, true);


----- The ajax as you see calls DepDropDown.php using the GET method and passing the q variable



//get the q parameter from URL
$q = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["q"]);

$SP_query = "SELECT * FROM xr_dept WHERE BranchID = '$q'";
$SP_sql = mysql_query($SP_query) or die(mysql_error());

$display_string = "<select name='form_department' id='form_department' class='login_txt_box'>";
while($SP_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($SP_sql))
	$display_string .= "<option value='" . $SP_result['DeptID'] . "'>" . $SP_result['DeptName'] . "</option>";
$display_string .= "</select>";
echo $display_string;


----- If you refer back to the AJAX portion this looks for an ID to fill in which get's done here...

<td style="border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7;" id="TheDropdownTD">
        <select name="form_department" id="form_department" class="login_txt_box" >



----- after submit... that page simply echoes all fields passed, and form_department is not working


echo $_GET['form_department'];



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WOW you wont believe it !!!!

The code is 100% fine LOL!!!!


I recently started using Google Chrome alot, cause it's neat and clean and stuff.

Aparently google chrome does not like ajax i guess or something, because out of sheer hopelessness i decided to run that page off IE and it works fine with no issues whatsoever.

After restarting chrome i tried once more and nothing! So i'm just going to blame google for this one.


FF doesnt work either


Thanks All who tried to help!

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Aparently google chrome does not like ajax i guess or something


So i'm just going to blame google for this one.


there's obviously a more rational explanation than Google just "not liking" AJAX, seeing as how the majority of their web technologies are built on, and rely heavily on AJAX/javascript.


try clearing your cache in Chrome.  AJAX has a tenancy to give misleading results if you don't handle the cache accordingly, which i'm assuming you're not.


try clearing your cache.  then try again.

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you sure you cleared the cache completely?  try accessing the page manually by typing it into the address bar with the appropriate variables in the URL in Chrome.  so:




i find it hard to believe that Chrome would be the odd man out in this, and since you were doing all your testing within Chrome, it sounds like a cache issue since first tries within IE and FF were successful.


aside from that, i got nothing else at the moment.

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This also does not work in FireFox & Safari, i also added an alert(ajaxRequest.responseText); in the ajax script just to make sure it creates the dropdown as it's supposed to and it does.


I did the


and it worked just fine.


Yes I'm sure i cleared the cache compeltely. I even tried this on various PC's with same results.



PS: quick noob question... if you change something on the client side with js / ajax will the source code when viewed be changed as well? so if you innerHTML a div will you see the newly inserted HTML within that div while viewing source code through broser?

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so, typing this directly into the address bar in Chrome/Firefox works ok?




might be a path issue.  change:


ajaxRequest.open("GET", "../DepDropDown.php?q=" + q, true);




ajaxRequest.open("GET", "http://localhost/path/to/DepDropDown.php?q=" + q, true);


worth a shot, otherwise, consider moving this thread over to the javascript help form as this has become nothing of a PHP problem that i can see, and i'm sure the Javascript Gurus will be able to help you out 10x faster than I.

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