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PHP -> writing and reading from text file not working as expected


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I am writing to a text file it saves the data but when I read the text files it shows

Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => ) [2] => Array ( [0] => ) [3] => Array ( [0] => ) ) 111.


Can someone help me how to read this data in proper format.


this is my php code



if(isset($_POST['save_value']) && ($_POST['save_value']==7) ) {

$myfile = 'test.txt';
$file = fopen($myfile, 'a+') or die('File cannot be found.....');

$index_name = $_POST['index_name'];
$curr_point = $_POST['current_pt'];
$point_change = $_POST['points_change'];
$per_change = $_POST['per_change'];

$my_data = array($index_name,$curr_point,$point_change,$per_change);
$test_data = print_r($my_data);
fwrite($file, $test_data) or die('cannot write data!');


if(isset($_POST['show_records'])) {
$fileread = 'test.txt';
$data = file($fileread) or die ('cannot find file');

foreach($data as $array){




and this is my html code


<form method="post" action="">
<span><strong><small>Points Change</small></strong></span>
    <div class="expDiv">
   <span><input type="text" name="index_name[]" id="a1" /></span>
<span><input type="text" name="current_pt[]" id="a2" /></span>
<span><input type="text" name="points_change[]" id="a3" /></span>
<span><input type="text" name="per_change[]" id="a4" /></span>
<div><span class="addme">Add More</span> <span class="removeme">Remove</span>
  <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit" />
<input type="hidden" name="save_value" value="7" />

<input type="submit" name="show_records" value="Show Records" />

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Can someone help me how to read this data in proper format.


What exactly do you mean by proper format? Considering your using print_r to format the array, that is how your data is saved.


Well I save data like this

SE        545.00          0.46        0.09%

NE        135.11          0.09        0.06%


and I am getting Array Array Array Array


and in my text file there is also

Array Array Array Array


I have changed my php code also


$my_data = array($index_name,$curr_point,$point_change,$per_change);
$test_data = print_r($my_data,true);
foreach($my_data as $key => $value){




Have you tried using the return parameter on the print_r function that might give you what you are looking for.

$test_data = print_r($my_data,true);


it also prints out Array Array Array Array



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My guess would be the values you are putting into the $my_data array are wrong..

Try echoing them out

when I echo , it shows array

My form fields are also in array (added by js when user clicks add more). How can I save those ?


Help me pls...


You've print_r($_POST); and it has come out correct? That is where you would access the 'array', such as $_POST['foo'][2]

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Ok, now I changed my php code, this codes write correctly to text file but when reading I am getting error



Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\earth\index.php on line 63


<?php function array2string($myarray,&$output,&$parentkey){
      foreach($myarray as $key=>$value){
         if (is_array($value)) {
            $parentkey .= $key."^";
            $parentkey = "";
         else {
            $output .= $parentkey.$key."^".$value."\n";

   function string2array($string,&$myarray){
      $lines = explode("\n",$string);
      foreach ($lines as $value){
         $items = explode("&#183;",$value);
         if (sizeof($items) == 2){
            $myarray[$items[0]] = $items[1];
         else if (sizeof($items) == 3){
            $myarray[$items[0]][$items[1]] = $items[2];

if(isset($_POST['save_value']) && ($_POST['save_value']==7) ) {

$index_name = $_POST['index_name'];
$curr_point = $_POST['current_pt'];
$point_change = $_POST['points_change'];
$per_change = $_POST['per_change'];

$mydb = array($index_name, $curr_point, $point_change, $per_change);
// Convert the array into string

// Store the string in a file   
   	$f1 = fopen("test.txt","w+");

if(isset($_POST['show_records'])) {

// Read the file back from the disk
   $f1 = fopen("test.txt","r");
   $newString = fread($f1,filesize('test.txt'));
   // Convert the content back to an array
   string2array($newString, $newArray);

   // Print out the array
   foreach ($newArray as $item) {   // this is line 63 


any help


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Change your function to....


function string2array($string) {
      $lines = explode("\n",$string);
      foreach ($lines as $value){
         $items = explode("&#183;",$value);
         if (sizeof($items) == 2){
            $myarray[$items[0]] = $items[1];
         else if (sizeof($items) == 3){
            $myarray[$items[0]][$items[1]] = $items[2];
      return $myarray;


And your calling code to....


$newArray = string2array($newString);

   // Print out the array
   foreach ($newArray as $item) {   // this is line 63 

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