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How do you put in multiple $_GET 's? But they're not from a form or anything, just by clicking on links...

So say you first select an album, the phpfile url gets: .php?album=choice

Then, If you select a way of order of the pictures, the url goes: .php?sort=choice


I need to get both of them in the URL, so I need to get .php?album=choice&sort=choice

How do I reach this? Can you do this without a form like

<form action="welcome.php" method="get">
Name: <input type="text" name="fname" />
Age: <input type="text" name="age" />
<input type="submit" />



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///// functions /////

function myFirst(){
    echo 'The First ran successfully.';

function mySecond(){
    echo 'The Second ran successfully.';

///// START /////



if (isset($_GET['run'])) $linkchoice=$_GET['run'];
else $linkchoice='';


case 'first' :

case 'second' :

default :
    echo 'no run';


<a href="?run=first">Link to First</a>
<a href="?run=second">Link to Second</a>
<a href="?run=0">Refresh No run</a>



See how this works? You need to do that for your code

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I don't really understand completely, but I think it does not do what I wish it to do...

Because If I select the first one, it does the first one, if I select the second, it does the second. But it has to be that if I choose the second one, nothing really happens seen there's nothing to sort yet. If I then click the first one, the albums show and if I click the second one then the albums get show in (another) order.

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How do you put in multiple $_GET 's? But they're not from a form or anything, just by clicking on links...

So say you first select an album, the phpfile url gets: .php?album=choice

Then, If you select a way of order of the pictures, the url goes: .php?sort=choice


I need to get both of them in the URL, so I need to get .php?album=choice&sort=choice

How do I reach this? Can you do this without a form like

<form action="welcome.php" method="get">
Name: <input type="text" name="fname" />
Age: <input type="text" name="age" />
<input type="submit" />





using form

<form action="mypage .php?album=choice&sort=choice" method="get">


usign link

<a href='mypage.php?album=choice&sort=choice'>


or best way to do this in form

<hidden name=sort value=choice>

<hidden name=album value=choice>



i dont thing there is any other way to do this

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I'm having a problem with the links though..


First I have:

echo "<tr><td style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' onclick=\"location.href='?month=$qmap'\"><center>$map</td></tr>";


Seen that all the maps that are displayed come through a foreach because it's variable.

Then when you click on it, in the right hand side of the page all the images in that directory, the $map directory, get shown.


Then I have:

<tr valign='bottom'><td style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' onclick=\"location.href='?month=$qmap&?sort=ksort'\"><center>Oldest</td>
				<td style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' onclick=\"location.href='?month=&?sort=knsort'\"><center>Newest</td></tr>";


So if I do $sorttype = $_GET['sort'], I should get 'knsort' or 'ksort', no?

It doesnt really work though, and also it changes the folder $map it's in...

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Hm? $_GET is a superglobal for url passed variables. You'd change:





Therefor, you can access them via $_GET['month'] and $_GET['sort'] respectively. ? is an operator to tell the url there is going to be a $_GET variable, file.php?var1=foo&var2=bar&var3=baz

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Thank you for your reply.

I've changed it now, to:

<td onclick=\"location.href='?month=$qmap&sort=$sort'\">$map</td>

<td style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' onclick=\"location.href='?month=$qmap&sort=ksort'\">Oldest</td>


but unfortunately it still goes to the last map, not the selected map... And something else is wrong to in my code;

$sort = $_GET["sort"];
			$month = $_GET["month"];
			if (isset($month)){
				$images = glob($month . '/*.{jpg,gif,jpeg,pjpeg,image,JPEG}', GLOB_BRACE|GLOB_NOSORT);
				if (isset($images)){
					foreach ($images as $image)
						{$sortedimages[filemtime($image)] = $image; }
					if ($sort = ksort){
						foreach (($sortedimages) as $afbeelding)
							{ echo "</br><center><img src=\"$afbeelding\" style=\"max-width: 60%\"></br>";}}
					else {knsort($sortedimages);
						foreach (($sortedimages) as $afbeelding)
							{ echo "</br><center><img src=\"$afbeelding\" style=\"max-width: 60%\"></br>";}}}}


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