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File names on a different server


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I am a bit new to php and need some help. This is my situation.


I have lots of images on a different sever. And my website is running on a different server. So my code on my website should get the image name from that server and should display it.


Can any one help me? Thanks a lot.




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Thanks again..


I am very poor in explaining though.. I will try again.

Users can just see my website. So if they visit say home page of my site, I need to show list of images with their corresponding image name. So those images are in a different web server.


So the code needs to be in my website server.



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There is no way really that you can read the contents of a directory on another server. That would essentially be hacking.


You would need some kind of compliance from the other server, like a script on there that you could remotely call that would output the filenames in a directory.

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There is no way really that you can read the contents of a directory on another server. That would essentially be hacking.


You would need some kind of compliance from the other server, like a script on there that you could remotely call that would output the filenames in a directory.


In this instance that may not be applicable.


Let's say the OP's site is: http://www.op.com/page.php

Let's say the images reside publicly in: http://www.somedomain.com/images


Some of the directory functions make work already with URL locations.


Or the OP might be able to say:

$page = file_get_contents( 'http://www.somedomain.com/images' ); print_r( $page ); 

If file_get_contents() works, the OP could parse the page for the image names.


The worst case scenario is opening the URL http://www.somedomain.com/images with either HttpRequest or cURL and parsing those results.

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[pre]Some of the directory functions make work already with URL locations.[/pre]


Can any one tell me more about this.


Thanks a ton.


file_get_contents() worked!! So I can use , preg_match_all  right? Is there a better way?

Any one see any downside of this?


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Everything that http://www.somedomain.com/images has.


But after some time I spent with this, I found out that I can get file names from database! Don't say I wasted your time... I learnt a lot... Thank you..


I was believing every image that was other server needs to be displayed.. But it was not the case.. there is some consistent data in our table!! 


Thanks every one..

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