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Make a subfolder


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Hi all


I got the following script off an old post I found.  It works very well and creates the subfolder.  Is it possible to make it so that I can type my required folder name into a form and have it create the folder with that name?  For example I might want to create 2 folders, one called folder1 and the called folder2.  Is this possible without having to change the code each time



/* wherever this particular script will be installed, I want to create a subfolder */

/* Step 1. I need to know the absolute path to where I am now, ie where this script is running from...*/
$thisdir = getcwd();

/* Step 2. From this folder, I want to create a subfolder called "myfiles".  Also, I want to try and make this folder world-writable (CHMOD 0777). Tell me if success or failure... */

if(mkdir($thisdir ."/myfiles" , 0777))
   echo "Directory has been created successfully...";
   echo "Failed to create directory...";




Hope you follow me here



Thanks in advance

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Here is the code, if you want the tutorial go here: Create Directory with PHP and User Input (click to view the tutorial).


File: createDir.php
Author: Frost
Website: http://www.slunked.com
// set our absolute path to the directories will be created in:
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/uploads/';

if (isset($_POST['create'])) {
// Grab our form Data
$dirName = isset($_POST['dirName'])?$_POST['dirName']:false;

// first validate the value:
if ($dirName !== false && preg_match('~([^A-Z0-9]+)~i', $dirName, $matches) === 0) {
	// We have a valid directory:
	if (!is_dir($path . $dirName)) {
		// We are good to create this directory:
		if (mkdir($path . $dirName, 0775)) {
			$success = "Your directory has been created succesfully!<br /><br />";
		}else {
			$error = "Unable to create dir {$dirName}.";
	}else {
		$error = "Directory {$dirName} already exists.";
}else {
	// Invalid data, htmlenttie them incase < > were used.
	$dirName = htmlentities($dirName);
	$error = "You have invalid values in {$dirName}.";
<head><title>Make Directory</title></head>
<?php echo (isset($success)?"<h3>$success</h3>":""); ?>
<h2>Make Directory on Server</h2>
<?php echo (isset($error)?'<span style="color:red;">' . $error . '</span>':''); ?>
<form name="phpMkDIRForm" method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
Enter a Directory Name (Alpha-Numeric only): <input type="text" value="" name="dirName" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="create" value="Create Directory" />

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Hey thanks for


exactly what is required.  I also read through the tutorial on your site and it makes the code easier to understand and to see what is happening.


I am now going to create a login script for this to hide behind as you suggested.


Once again I thank you.

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