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Hi Guys,


Well, i have tryed to make a Turtorial system with bbCode that inserts a 'Show this code box' .. And the code that has to be showed i write inside [ code] & [ /code] - But when im taking the code out i have to make <br /> with the nl12br function, but when i do that, the code in the box will get <br /> to! and then there will be alot of <br /> in the middle of my code in the box'es..


I have tryed to remove the <br /> beetwen the [ code] with:


function replace_br($input){
$text = str_replace("<br />","", $input);
$ret = '<div class="code"><pre class="brush: php;">'.$text.'</pre></div>';
return $ret;

$turtorial = stripslashes(nl2br($foresp['turtorial']));
$turtorial = preg_replace("/\\[ code\\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is",replace_br('\1'), $turtorial);
echo $turtorial;


But the function dosnet get the \1 information? .. What could i have done wrong... Someone who can help me? Thanks..


- Jonatan


(sorry for the spaces beetwen [ and c in [ code .. But the forum dosent like im writing them so xD)

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Not sure on this one but a quick read of manual said you can use $1 as preferred to \1 since PHP 4.0.4. Maybe \1 is being deprecated?


Try: $turtorial = preg_replace("/\\[ code\\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is",replace_br($1), $turtorial);


Nah, that didn't work ..

It just returned a string with "$1" .. /;


BUT! - It still returns the string, i just cant see it? Like its hidden but when i return it the php writes it.. I cant chance it.. Is there anykind of function that converts \1 / $1 to string? .. This is so weird!

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Use preg_replace_callback or use the /e modifier.


Can you write the full code for me?

I dont know the function, so .. :i


function replace_br($input){
$text = str_replace("<br />","", $input[1]);
$ret = '<div class="code"><pre class="brush: php;">'.$text.'</pre></div>';
return $ret;

$turtorial = stripslashes(nl2br($foresp['turtorial']));
$turtorial = preg_replace_callback("/\\[ code\\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is", "replace_br", $turtorial);
echo $turtorial;

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Well, now it looks better, but it still dosent work.. Now nothing happens?..

Text comes, but only the [ code] and that.. No transform..


And how can u make $input get something, if u dosent set anything in it?

", "replace_br", $ <-- Shouldent that be something like : ", replace_br('\1'), $ <-- I tryed this one, it didn't work - but still.

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