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Miscellaneous Topics that do not fall into all of the other forums. You can have personal discussions here about the weather, your car, your dog """"""""or whatever""""""".. Have fun :)


You could have moved it there. Members make mistakes your the moderator its your job. But no you decided to be a jerk. Is your head swelled up because your a big bad mod at this board?

have fun you big bad strong moderator OR WHATEVER <-------- wait it says i can post about whatever!! but you still locked my thread instead of doing you job and MOVING IT .. You need to learn how to do your job RIGHT


lol it wont fit under WHATEVER DEFINE:WHATEVER

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Well you locked my topic when your should have moved it. So if a topic is not up to your standards you lock it i guess. Thats juvenile and you should admit you should not have locked it and made a rude comment to someone that has financially supported this board

All i wanted was help. I didn't need to get treated like crap. Im done typing because its a waste of time. You should think before you go thread close happy next time

Dont worry i wont respond again i can see your the type of person that is never wrong

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If you knew that we had a Misc board where you can ask anything, why did you post in the PHP Help board when you weren't looking for help with a PHP script you are writing? The obvious explanation is that you noticed it was the board with the most traffic and you thought you'd get your question answered quicker.


Personally, if I was a mod, I'd have done the same thing - You knowingly posted in the wrong area because you thought that the rules didn't apply to you, and that your off-topic thread was more important that everyone else's who are actually trying to learn PHP rather than find a script to do something for them.


The fact that you my have financially supported this board is irrelevant, it doesn't make you exempt from the rules.

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I don't see anything wrong in the post thorpe made.  He told you what the forum was there for, and what it was not there for. I think SA hit the nail on the head: you just think you deserve some kind of special treatment because you allegedly made a donation.  This isn't our job, we don't get paid for it.  We do not follow "the customer is always right" mantra around here.  If you expect someone to cater to you and you're (supposedly) willing to pay for it, I suggest you hire a freelancer.

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  • 2 months later...

Looks like I have the same issue as this poster.  I've always had bad luck on PHP forums.  VB script no problem, JS no problem, .Net is a piece of cake...  but PHP I get rude kids and overly strict mods...  I saw the same thing happen to Usenet.


Time to switch to Silverlight... once again I'm forced to a M$ solution. 


See ya!



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No-one is forcing you to do anything, if you don't like how this community is run, try another site that works more to your liking. Oh, and I'll save you some hassle, Silverlight is not an alternative to PHP - Why not take a look at Perl, Python or Ruby.

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but PHP I get rude kids and overly strict mods...


If we seem a bit rude at times it may be because most of us deal with kids with an inflated sense of entitlement on a regular basis and it gets old after a while. We are always open to constructive criticism but we don't take flaming very well.



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I honestly don't know wth these people are talking about, I see threads moved all the time that need to be moved. Anyways, there may be a couple people who seem they are never wrong but this is in my opinion one of the best boards for finding help fast... and they will work with you. Some of the best programmers I've come across have been on this board....


Looks like I have the same issue as this poster.  I've always had bad luck on PHP forums.  VB script no problem, JS no problem, .Net is a piece of cake...  but PHP I get rude kids and overly strict mods...  I saw the same thing happen to Usenet.


Time to switch to Silverlight... once again I'm forced to a M$ solution. 


See ya!




Seriously if you want to abandon a real language be my guest I wish I could work in a higher level language again then having to work with "M$ solutions"... you may be the type of idiot that gets companies to switch to Microsoft products then make the real programmers have to try and fix it. And Silver light is not a server side... if going to use microsoft use asp at least man.

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