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Dear all,


I am posting here to receive some feedback from people who are interested in giving me some information and guidance.


I started learning how to code back in June 2007. I worked very hard at PHP and MySQL. I had some basic HTML knowledge at the time.. but I studied hard and have got to a pretty good level with PHP. I built my own online-game which I am still working on today (as I am still a student).


I am considering taking a gap-year after I finish my degree (in June this year) and I would like the following information from people:


If I spent 6 months studying hard and then 6 months of working on websites to create my dream game development business.. what languages would you recommend learning? I do not have huge skills in graphics design and I have had to outsource my css/html layout design to a third party.. so what would you recommend learning? I want to create high quality, text-based role playing browser games. I already have one, but I want a number of them.. so what do you think?


At the moment, I am considering improving my php skills to a very high level, then improving my mysql and database structure skills.. I will also look into more CSS and JavaScript. What is the best use of my time and how would you recommend doing it? I was thinking of buying about 15-20 text-books and going through those for 6 months. I'd then spend 6 months putting that knowledge into practice.


If you could all respond with a detailed reply and give as much information as possible I would be extremely grateful.


Thanks in advance for your help and assistance.



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I'd spend some time writing a business plan and actually researching if there is any money to be made with "text-based role playing browser games" before you dive in with all of the development. Because on the surface, it doesn't sound like there is.

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Unfortunatly I dont think its as simple as learning something for 6 months and then building a complete package. I have been using PHP for over 6 years and am still learning things every day.

No textbook makes you a good developer although they will show you syntax, how to use common functions and core principals.

If you are going down the games route then you really need to look at what others use, whether it be flash, php, java, etc. There really isn't a recommendation in terms of a language to learn. It is whatever tools you require to get the job done. Using different languages is common and if you are familiar with one then using another should be straightforward. For instance, if I had been developing Java for years and then came across php, it wouldn't take long to adopt it, just learn the syntax and the core functions and you're away.

So, one person might say learn Java, another PHP, another ASP, another Flash, another Javascript, etc. There is no one tool to use. It is what you can use that will fulfill your requirements.

Its like saying I want to build a car, should I use stainless steel, aluminium, carbon fibre. Well there is no answer, each have their pros and cons and depend on the type of vehicle you are building.

All I would say is that 6 months is nothing in terms of learning and developing skills.

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Im not sure if I made my first post clear or not.  First off: if you think there is no money in online text-based games you are completely wrong.  One of the people I have been "following" is now making over $80000 a month and was in the national papers for hitting £1,000,000 profit.. I also have a NUMBER of other people who are making healthy £100,000+ a year with their online games.. My game is tiny and it's making me a small sum every year already.


Second point:  I am not a complete newbie.  I have already made my own game.  It works.  However, I need to get some specific areas that people would recommend becoming pro in.  6 months isn't a long time if you're not working hard.  I will be working 10+ hours a day on this, so I know I can learn a lot.. a heck of a lot, as I already have a good understanding of PHP.


Regarding the business plan:  That is already thought out in my head.  I know my aims for my BUSINESS side.  I have investors and potential investors lined up in my venture, that isn't a problem.  My problem is the languages that you would recommend.


I am not going to look into flash.  I have no skills in graphical stuff, so I'm not going to waste my time doing any of that.  What I want to know is:


What are the most crucial languages you would recommend learning that will open up my flexibility with web design.  As stated before, I can already code html, css, php, mysql.  I have some javascript on my site, but I'm not very good.  Would you recommend the following and think it's a good idea:


Read a number of books to improve syntax knowledge of php to a "pro" level (stupid wording, but basically get a lot better at PHP).  Also look into javascript, mysql, database structure, optimising websites and databases..


How does all that sound to you guys?  Is there anything you'd recommend like AJAX or anything similar?  Anything you learnt and you thought was priceless?

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