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Socks Proxy


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OK, what if I want various machines in my network to use the web server as a proxy. They could be linux, mac, windows machines. Can I not use the IP address of the web server as the proxy address?


The issue is, we have many pieces of software on different machines across our network that perform data mining operations. The different pieces of software use proxy servers to hide our true IP. We have many proxy server IP addresses stored in a database which each piece of software can connect to and pick a server to use. It is becoming expensive buying proxy server addresses, so my idea was to get a load of cheap servers and set them up as proxies. Their IP addresses could then be added to our database of proxies.

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Can I not use the IP address of the web server as the proxy address?


no. The proxy address would be a local one(localhost,, etc).


using linux or mac you could: ssh -D port user@host


you would then use for your proxy address



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Then this is not what I am looking for. I need to have proxy servers through public IP:port just as:


not having to setup each local machine. I will have to find out how to setup a cheap server as a proxy so I can just use its ip in any proxified software.

Proxy server addresses on lists as above are unreliable, they get battered and are often offline. Similar issues with using the TOR network. Private proxy addresses are expensive with the numbers we use.

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Does it have to be an ip address? If you can use a domain you could go the hackish route and add that domain to your hosts file on the local system. Then in your db add the domain name and the local socks port for the proxy. For example:


#usage this_script domain local_port user@host 
echo $1 >> /etc/hosts
ssh -f -D $2 $3


an example usage would be bash script.sh foo.com 8000 user@serverip


then you could use the foo.com domain and 8000 for the port.

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