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code not displaying properly...


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i use the following code to check if something is contained within an array;


echo (in_array("test1",$arr) ? "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>" : '');


these echo commands work great.


now in each of the 3x <td></td> i need the following:


<td>TEXT HERE</td>


<td><?php echo $test1 ?>ppt</td>


$val1 = 1.022; //----- Lowest Value
$val2 = 1.027; //----- Highest Value
$val3 = $test1;  //----- Test Value (change number accordingly)
if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {echo '<img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" />';}
else {echo '<img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" />';} ?></td>


i get all types of errors with syntax when i include the above 3 code snippets into the top one.


i have changed all the "" to '' but to no avail.


can someone help me to create 1 PHP snippet with all the above please?

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Pehaps this may help...



$val1 = 1.022;
$val2 = 1.027;
$val3 = 1.023;

  <td>Value 1</td><td><?PHP echo $val1; ?></td>
  <td>Value 2</td><td><?PHP echo $val2; ?></td>
  <td>Value 3</td><td><?PHP echo $val3; ?></td>
if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {
echo '<img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="green" width="8" height="8">';
echo '<img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="red" width="8" height="8">';



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so you're trying to do something like this?


$testarr = {3, 5, 7, 10, 14};
$min = 4;
$max 9;
function Check($low, $high, $check) {
if(($check >= $low) && ($check <= $high)) {
return "img/bullet_green.png";
} else {
return "img/bullet_red.png";

echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>\r\n";
for($i = 0; $i < count($testarr); $i++) {
echo "<tr><td>$testarr[$i]</td><td><img src=\"" . Check($min, $max, $testarr[$i]) . "\" alt=\"\" width=\"8\" height=\"8\"></td></tr>\r\n";
echo "</table>";

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All this code is so ridden with errors and disorganization. What are you exactly trying to accomplish with your code? I'm sure there is a much easier solution than the aformentioned ones.


its a little confusing but i shall give it a try;


the initital code check if "test1" is in the array and if it is prints the html code for the 3x <td> table, within this table i need to show the Test name which i can input manually into the first <td> then the second <td> echos the $test1 result and the 3rd <td> is a piece of code that checks if the $test1 result is between 2 variables and echo a certain image if its between the 2x set values again entered manually.


make sense?

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This handles check for the condition you desire and displays the proper image...


if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {
echo '<img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="green" width="8" height="8">';
echo '<img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="red" width="8" height="8">';

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$val1 = 1.022; //----- Lowest Value
$val2 = 1.027; //----- Highest Value
$val3 = 1.026;  //----- Test Value (change number accordingly)
echo "<table>\n<tr><td>Value 1:</td><td>$val1</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Value 2:</td><td>$val2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Value 3:</td><td>$val3</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Image:</td><td>";
if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {
  echo '<img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" />';
  echo '<img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" />';
echo "</td></tr>\n</table>"; 


Which will result in:


<tr><td>Value 1:</td><td>1.022</td></tr>
<tr><td>Value 2:</td><td>1.027</td></tr>
<tr><td>Value 3:</td><td>1.026</td></tr>
<tr><td>Image:</td><td><img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" /></td></tr>

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guys your coding works but its not using the first code snippet i needed, which is to only display all the above coding if "test1" is in the array;


echo (in_array("test1",$arr) ? "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>" : '');

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if (in_array("test1", $array)) {
   echo "<td>";
    if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {
      echo '<img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="green" width="8" height="8">';
      echo '<img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="red" width="8" height="8">';
    echo "</td>    ";

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thanks for help guys im nearly getting there.


ok here is my code;


$val1 = 1.022; //----- Lowest Value
$val2 = 1.027; //----- Highest Value
$val3 = $test1;  //----- Test Value (change number accordingly)

if (in_array('test1',$arr)){ 

echo '<table width="100%"><tr>';
echo '<td><div align="right"><em><strong>Salinity:</strong></em></div></td>';
echo '<td>$val3</td>'; // ----- PROBLEM IS HERE

if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {
echo '<td><img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" /></td>';
else {
echo '<td><img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" /></td>';

echo '</tr></table>';

echo '';


its all working except its not echoing $val3 i marked on code where it is.. do i need a print command or wrap it in tags?

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Oh i see the problem. The person who wrote the code up didn't realize that variables don't get printed in ' 's they need to be in quotes.


$val1 = 1.022; //----- Lowest Value
$val2 = 1.027; //----- Highest Value
$val3 = $test1;  //----- Test Value (change number accordingly)

if (in_array('test1',$arr)){ 

echo '<table width="100%"><tr>';
echo '<td><div align="right"><em><strong>Salinity:</strong></em></div></td>';
echo "<td>$val3</td>";

if (($val3 > $val1) && ($val3 < $val2)) {
echo '<td><img src="img/bullet_green.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" /></td>';
else {
echo '<td><img src="img/bullet_red.png" alt="" width="8" height="8" /></td>';

echo '</tr></table>';

echo '';


Try that

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