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Xampp/Wamp Freeware virtual host manager

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I know how to create a virtual host, however i have recently been getting alot of business and have to set this up way to often. I also need to enable clean urls so each site needs to have its own root.  Does anyone know of a way to automate this? It would make my life much easier. Perhaps a freeware app that adds the info to your hosts file and to your apache http.conf file? I havnt been able to find anything on google :(


If not do you have a different method you would care to share?

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Hmmm...I actually wrote a how-to for ubuntu to autogen virtualhosts.  If you want to see it, you can go to my wife's site to view the article.  Basically, it will autogen the sites-available and symbolically link it to sites-enabled, but only if the domain is linked to the IP for your eth0.  Once you have the script set up, and the folders created, it's as simple as

adddomain yourdomain.tdl
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

and that's it!

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