sitie_aniem Posted March 23, 2010 Share Posted March 23, 2010 i create a system. the system is about e-leave. E-Leave Management System. so, every staff has their own profile. so, whenever a staff enter the company, there is the commencement date -� means the first date their enter the company. so, the problem is in service length -� how many days, month and year that they have been work here. it is not same as their needed. some got extra days, about, one, two or three days. so, can you look for the coding an tell me what is wrong? function dateDiff($dformat, $endDate, $beginDate) { $date_parts1=explode($dformat, $beginDate); $date_parts2=explode($dformat, $endDate); $start_date=gregoriantojd($date_parts1… $date_parts1[0], $date_parts1[2]); $end_date=gregoriantojd($date_parts2[1… $date_parts2[0], $date_parts2[2]); return $end_date - $start_date + 1; } $query200 = "SELECT * FROM leave_selection WHERE '$apply_year-01-01' BETWEEN dari AND hingga"; $result200 = mysql_query($query200) or die("couldn't execute query"); $row200 = mysql_fetch_array($result200); $c_date = date('d-m-Y',strtotime($row1['commenceme… $service_year = round(dateDiff("-", date("31-12-Y",time()), $c_date)/365,2); $zarbi=explode('-',$c_date); $Day = $zarbi[0]; $Month = $zarbi[1]; $Year = $zarbi[2]; $query201= "SELECT * FROM annual_leave WHERE ('$service_year' BETWEEN service_length AND service_length1) && ('$Day' BETWEEN joining_date AND joining_date1) "; $result201 = mysql_query($query201) or die("2couldn't execute query"); $row201 = mysql_fetch_array($result201); //to get leave entitlement(days) based on service period && day and month of commencement date if ($Month == '01'){$annual_ed = $row201['january'];} elseif ($Month == '02'){$annual_ed = $row201['february'];} elseif ($Month == '03'){$annual_ed = $row201['march'];} elseif ($Month == '04'){$annual_ed = $row201['april'];} elseif ($Month == '05'){$annual_ed = $row201['may'];} elseif ($Month == '06'){$annual_ed = $row201['jun'];} elseif ($Month == '07'){$annual_ed = $row201['july'];} elseif ($Month == '08'){$annual_ed = $row201['august'];} elseif ($Month == '09'){$annual_ed = $row201['september'];} elseif ($Month == '10'){$annual_ed = $row201['october'];} elseif ($Month == '11'){$annual_ed = $row201['november'];} elseif ($Month == '12'){$annual_ed = $row201['december'];} $query202= "SELECT SUM(carryforward) FROM leave_application Where ((status='6') || ( (name_tm LIKE '%') &&(status='15' || status='16' || status='14' || status='12'))) && NRIC = '".$_SESSION[NRIC]."' && NRIC1 = '".$_SESSION[NRIC1]."' && NRIC2 = '".$_SESSION[NRIC2]."' && leave_code = '".$row2['lc']."' && dari LIKE '$apply_year%' "; $result202= mysql_query($query202) or die("as execute query"); $row202 = mysql_fetch_array($result202); $annual_balance = $annual_ed-$row120['SUM(total)']+$row202… $query203 = "SELECT * FROM prorated WHERE leave_entitlement = '$annual_ed'"; $result203 = mysql_query($query203) or die("4couldn't execute query"); $row203 = mysql_fetch_array($result203); $apply_month = date('m'); //for QUARTERLY, to get currently available leave entitlement(days) based on quarter apply if ($apply_month == '01'){$quarter_curr = $row300['quarter1']; $current_quarter = "JAN , FEB , MARCH";} elseif ($apply_month == '02'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter1']; $current_quarter = "JAN , FEB , MARCH";} elseif ($apply_month == '03'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter1']; $current_quarter = "JAN , FEB , MARCH";} elseif ($apply_month == '04'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter2']; $current_quarter = "APR , MAY , JUNE";} elseif ($apply_month == '05'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter2']; $current_quarter = "APR , MAY , JUNE";} elseif ($apply_month == '06'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter2']; $current_quarter = "APR , MAY , JUNE";} elseif ($apply_month == '07'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter3']; $current_quarter = "JUL , AUG , SEPT";} elseif ($apply_month == '08'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter3']; $current_quarter = "JUL , AUG , SEPT";} elseif ($apply_month == '09'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter3']; $current_quarter = "JUL , AUG , SEPT";} elseif ($apply_month == '10'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter4']; $current_quarter = "OCT , NOV , DEC";} elseif ($apply_month == '11'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter4']; $current_quarter = "OCT , NOV , DEC";} elseif ($apply_month == '12'){$quarter_curr = $row203['quarter4']; $current_quarter = "OCT , NOV , DEC";} $previous_year = $apply_year-1; $query204 = "SELECT * FROM leave_selection WHERE '$previous_year-01-01' BETWEEN dari AND hingga"; $result204 = mysql_query($query204) or die("couldn't execute query"); $row204 = mysql_fetch_array($result204); $previous_service_year = round(dateDiff("-", date("31-12-$previous_year",time()), $c_date)/365,2); $query205= "SELECT * FROM annual_leave WHERE ('$previous_service_year' BETWEEN service_length AND service_length1) && ('$Day' BETWEEN joining_date AND joining_date1) "; $result2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ignace Posted March 23, 2010 Share Posted March 23, 2010 PHP has special classes called DateTime and DateInterval: function my_date_diff($format, $start_date, $end_date) { try { $d1 = new DateTime($start_date); $d2 = new DateTime($end_date); return $d2->diff($d1)->format($format);// in case-of success } catch (Exception $e) { return false; // in case-of failure } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitie_aniem Posted March 25, 2010 Author Share Posted March 25, 2010 it will be useful if we want to use the static two dates. but the problem is the start date is still ok, but the last date i have to put it today( means i want to get the service length from th efist day he enter the company until today). so, i really have no idea to do this.. please help me... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andrewgauger Posted March 25, 2010 Share Posted March 25, 2010 For 1... you cant just: $service_year = round(dateDiff("-", date("31-12-Y",time()), $c_date)/365,2); without realizing that every year is not 365 days. Use built-in date functions: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitie_aniem Posted March 25, 2010 Author Share Posted March 25, 2010 ok. i know that one year not supposely be 365 days a year... but the problem is, i am new in php and get to debug error for this problem, for my practical. so, what ia m supposely do with this function ?i really do not have idea for it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andrewgauger Posted March 25, 2010 Share Posted March 25, 2010 $days = (strtotime("2005-11-20") - strtotime(date("Y-m-d"))) / (60 * 60 * 24); you can also use $today=getDate(); plus something like $date_endDate=getDate($endDateTimeStamp); also you can use this: $difference=date_diff($start,$end) Also look into the dateinterval, and datetime classes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitie_aniem Posted March 25, 2010 Author Share Posted March 25, 2010 function year2monthsNdays($years) { $array = explode(".",$years); $year = $array[0]; $month = ($array[1]>9) ? $array[1]/100 : $array[1]/10; if ($month) { $days = round($month*365,2); $daysArray = explode(".",$days); $months = round($daysArray[0]/30,2); $monthArray = explode(".",$months); $monthInt = $monthArray[0]; $daysInt = round($monthArray[1]*30/100,1); } $a = "$year-$monthInt-$daysInt"; return $a; } $service_year_convert = year2monthsNdays($service_year); $convert =explode('-',$service_year_convert); $sl_year = $convert[0]; if($sl_year == NULL){$s_year = 0;} else{$s_year = $sl_year;} $sl_month = $convert[1]; if($sl_month == NULL){$s_month = 0;} else{$s_month = $sl_month;} $sl_day = round($convert[2]); if($sl_day == NULL){$s_day = 0;} else{$s_day = $sl_day;} } ?> so, you said it the wrong is coming from this function right? so, i must create new function about this or i can just repair it and can used it again? actually, i create new variable for today: $today = date ("d-m-Y"); and put it between the $c_date and service_year, but it not really function well.(like the below) $c_date = date('d-m-Y',strtotime($row1['commencement_date'])); $today = date ("d-m-Y"); $service_year = round(dateDiff("-", date("d-m-Y",time()), $c_date)/365,2); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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