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Everything posted by andrewgauger

  1. Have you tried: include_once "../directory/rewrite.php";
  2. try <?php echo $row['image_location'];?>
  3. For one thing I'm gonna sick her on you. One way flight to Belgium. I decided instead of teaching her code, I'm going to teach her to use dreamweaver.
  4. My wife wants me to teach her how to build web pages. What is a good place to start? Any quality tutorials out there so I don't talk over her head?
  5. So should I use Zend Studio with Zend framework? I'd prefer an IDE that was familiar with the context I was using.
  6. if(preg_match("/^[ a-zA-Z]+/", $_POST['name'])){ You need to change the above to: if(preg_match("/^[ a-zA-Z0-9]+/", $_POST['name'])){
  7. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=usb+wireless+video+out&cid=17768378946718064894&ei=wVAxTLCXF5OgjgSBy9jSDg&sa=title&ved=0CAcQ8wIwADgA#p yes.
  8. I almost didn't wait long enough. "Elizabeth, you can come out now"
  9. Thanks for the clarification. I have always done everything myself and am never going to get to a new level without using a framework. I absolutely am looking for a glue framework. I'm thankful I asked before learning Yii wasn't what I wanted. I had someone on public transit say they were using something like Komodo (but not Komodo, thats the IDE), or something that started with a K, but I haven't found any frameworks that start with a K. I think I'll begin with Zend. I'm sure I'll regret it
  10. Finally giving in and deciding to build off what others have crafted in lieu of developing everything from scratch. So, I need a framework. I have biases and opinions that are probably not factually based, so I ask others experienced with frameworks: Which is the best framework for an experienced PHP developer to use? I think I'm leaning towards Yii (maybe) or Zend. Please advise. This is not for professional developing, just my own fancy along the way.
  11. Your MySQL conditon doesn't make any sense. $expquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE exp='$exp' AND level='$newlevel'"); Since $exp and $newlevel aren't set to anything, the query will return the rows that have exp='' and level='' I think you want this: $expquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='{$userid}'";
  12. If you only want one, you can do "SELECT DISTINCT" but you want the duplicates because they result from 2 items from the same manufacturer. What you want is to extend the details of the select (such as adding product short description). If you want them ordered, append to your query: ORDER BY col_name [ASC | DESC]
  13. Good song. I am willing to bet that the media player isn't attached to a publicly facing server. I'd bet you are using localhost for this. Throw http://localhost:8181/1.0/?method=player.getNowPlayingData into your browser window to make sure you get the xml out. Then fix your problem and replace: <span datasrc="music" datafld="artist"></span> with: <span datasrc="#music" datafld="artist"></span>
  14. You can do date comparisons in MySQL. SELECT * FROM site_reviews ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10 Would need a WHERE clause as: WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date or for timestamps: WHERE date > (NOW() - 604800) And you would just divide the constants by 7 to get the appropriate daily.
  15. Well, you can always use your last solution in php by utilizing exec()
  16. You know, I have a lot of issues with referencing this while using html tags. Try changing this to the actual reference. So give your input an id and use document.getElementById("id_of_element").value
  17. Unrelated but always put variables like: $te['clanID'] as: {$te['clanID']} inside strings. The reason the second doesn't die is because the while is never met. if you type in: while(false) {echo "do something";} the code will never execute. You can't fetch from 0 rows.
  18. $begin=mktime(18, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-1, date("Y")); $end=$begin+86400; You might have to throw these at date() to get them formatted for your SQL query.
  19. You know, I don't really use hard and fast rules for directory naming (that is the question, right?). I generally just put all the programs in the root, and images in a separate folder. If things get cluttered, that is when I start using subdirectories.
  20. There is no reason to use a loop to store values so you can reloop through those values. Bad code. Did you even see if my solution worked before you complained and grew a bad problem worse?
  21. Chrome barks at: document.images.slide.src=imageholder[whichimage].src Check into this. If you have one JavaScript error, it often brings down all of your JavaScript.
  22. You want to define which table you are getting * from (even better is to define every field you want) such as: SELECT residential.* FROM `residential` INNER JOIN `images` as i on i.mls = residential.mls WHERE i.photoOrder = 0 And yes this should work with the other tables. The ON syntax is where you need to modify depending on the table columns
  23. What kind of filter were you thinking?
  24. Found it: you need brackets around these lines: if (file_exists($base.'.jpg')) return $base.'.jpg'; elseif (file_exists($base.'.jpeg')) return $base.'.jpeg'; else return ""; as: if (file_exists($base.'.jpg')) {return $base.'.jpg'} elseif (file_exists($base.'.jpeg')) {return $base.'.jpeg'} else {return ""} I love using the bracketless if syntax for solid one liners, but you need the brackets for an if else OR if elseif else
  25. Try moving the : <script type="text/javascript" src="filterTable.js"></script> To the <head>
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