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Hello I am able to populate a select box with items form a mysql table no problem. But what I am creating is a form that repeats the fields  depending on the users selection on the previous page. This works no problem except for the select box. It fails to select all the results. I have tried many combinations of nested loops but with no joy. In stead of posting all the code I will post the code which generates the select box. Any help or point in the right direction is very much welcome.


	    echo "<fieldset>\n";
	echo "<legend>\n";
	  echo "Products required for property\n";
	echo "</legend>\n";
//echo $productItemLoop;
	  $ProductIDArray = "ProductID$propNumber";
	  $ProductIDArrayBrackets = "[]";

  $product_options_open = "<option value=\"$nt1[ProductID]\">";
  $row_productType = $nt1['ProductType'];
  $product_options_close = "</option>\n";

	  echo "<p>\n";
	  echo "Hold 'Ctrl' to select more than one product\n";
	  echo "<br />\n";
	    echo "<select multiple";
	      echo " ";
	      echo "name=";
	      echo "\"$ProductIDArray$ProductIDArrayBrackets\"";
	      echo " ";
	      echo "id=\"ProductID$propNumber\" size=\"5\">\n";
		echo "$product_options_open\n";
		echo "$row_productType\n";
		echo "$product_options_close\n";
	      echo "</select>\n";
	  echo "</p>\n";
      echo "</fieldset>\n";


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'non selected' data from elements that give an array are lost when submitted.


That would be your

<select multiple>

but also for example

<input type='checkbox' value='cows' name='opt[]' /><input type='checkbox' value='sheeps' name='opt[]' />


There is no way getting around this besides either sticking all options in <input type='hidden' />  as well, or by simply using static code (or a query) to retrieve the information like you did on the original page.


I think HTML5 might offer a solution for this, but too early to use and I'm not even sure if it did.

If you simply want to read out the values, this is the most basic example I can come up with.

if( !isset( $_POST['food'] ) )
  echo '
  <form action="" method="post">
  <label for="food">Which vegatable would you like for dinner?</label>
  <select name="food[]" MULTIPLE>
    <option value="carrots">carrots</option>
    <option value="peas">peas</option>
  <input type="submit" />';
  foreach( $_POST['food'] as $veggy )
    echo $veggy."<br/>";



Forgot to explain :)

The magic part is in the name attribute, it has to end on []. PHP automatically creates an array out of form elements whos name ends on [].

Your while loop is only producing one OPTION element.  It will be the last one from the database.  You are overwriting the values on each pass.

  $product_options_open = "<option value=\"$nt1[ProductID]\">";
  $row_productType = $nt1['ProductType'];
  $product_options_close = "</option>\n";


You might try rearranging the code just a bit to output the OPTIONS directly:

  echo "<p>\n";
  echo "Hold 'Ctrl' to select more than one product\n";
  echo "<br />\n";
    echo "<select multiple";
      echo " ";
      echo "name=";
      echo "\"$ProductIDArray$ProductIDArrayBrackets\"";
      echo " ";
      echo "id=\"ProductID$propNumber\" size=\"5\">\n";
  echo "<option value=\"$nt1[ProductID]\">\n";
  echo $nt1['ProductType'] . "\n";
  echo "</option>\n";
      echo "</select>\n";
  echo "</p>\n";


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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