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It's usually a double edged blessing doing this, but I'd like some honest feedback on this site: http://www.amazingphrasing.com


It's a new concept about copy writing using psychology to make it more persuasive... it can be used to sell more online and things like that.


I'm after honest feedback about the videos, design, operation and concept.


If it's nasty feedback, I welcome it anyway - but may also take it with a pinch of salt.

Feel free to say whatever you like... I'll not be offended - good feedback is obviously welcome too. ;)

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I find that the website looks cheap and reminds me of those awful scam websites. For example:


Our Doctors and researchers have spent years analysing the English language to develop a database of words and phrases


Why do I find that so hard to believe? Our?? Your website lacks trust and proof just like those products on TV that create a complete menu under 20 minutes. This lack of trust aids to disbelieving your technique actually works, because if your website can't make the sale? Then why would it on my website?


The video on the homepage is annoying, let it load and play when I WANT it to.

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Thanks ignace.

I'm unsure what you mean by questioning "Our"...

What makes the website look cheap, in your opinion? I'm not sure why you find it so hard to believe... perhaps you're just like that? ;) but what would be better to persuade you, do you think? I am in the final year of my PhD with Exeter University, my supervisor (a doctor) is developing the second product now. Perhaps stating that might help... or links to my published papers?


I accept your suggestion about the video. It's on a temporary host at the moment, but we'll sort that out shortly.

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Indeed the video is quite annoying. It loads, if you want it or you don't. Apart from that it seems pretty good. If it's possible make the video in something else than flash perhaps, or in the future.


Also, the netshine logo seems a little blurry to me. It could be me, it could be on purpose, but I'd like it sharper.

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I question our because I find it hard to believe you actually employ them. I believe the cheap look is due to the 3D-model in the top-right corner and the before mentioned shine.


I'm not sure why you find it so hard to believe... perhaps you're just like that?


Yes I am very hard to convince I usually even do a lot of research to use as a case against anyone trying to sell me something. Those door salesmen already know they should bring their A-game.


Perhaps stating that might help... or links to my published papers?


Your websites states that I only have to put in the text my copywriter gave me and the outputted text will lead directly to sales, then why doesn't your website?


Gain up-to 42% more sales!


Wow sounds great. Something else that sounds great is that 55% of all statistics are made up :D


Edit: I know that I am coming down on you hard but I believe you will benefit the most out of this experience

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Your websites states that I only have to put in the text my copywriter gave me and the outputted text will lead directly to sales, then why doesn't your website?


I think you'll find that it says that the software will increase likelihood of a sale. It doesn't guarantee it because nothing can. It's psychological optimisation - not mind-control.

Perhaps more obvious links to the tutorials where all of this is spelled out might help?


And testimonials from third party clients to substantiate our statistics... would you consider them useless, because I could make those up too? I know that persuasion is my game, but there are some people who will not be convinced, even if they did it themselves... so perhaps I should ignore the minority?

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It doesn't guarantee it because nothing can.


Then, is it worth buying? This may be a good approach to convince prospects as to why it still may be a good idea to buy.


And testimonials from third party clients to substantiate our statistics... would you consider them useless, because I could make those up too?


Yes I actually almost never believe them, they are IMO almost always too optimistic and would lead to believe that their product changes lives, right! I only reckon symbols from famous companies that certify quality and have established trust among it's customers throughout the years. I for example don't buy any game magazine except Chief as apparently this is the only company left that has the balls to tell when a game sucks.


but there are some people who will not be convinced, even if they did it themselves...


Yes and I am most probably one of them. I just hate to know that someone, somewhere ripped me off with a product that accomplished nothing of what it said it would but I doubt I am the only one who hates to be ripped off even if it's only for a small amount. A baker for example won't just give me a bread just because I am a regular customer and I currently don't have the change on me.

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if you sell your product somewhere ellse where it has reviews or just a site that does reviews and link to that, it might help. I would also put some examples on the front page of what the software does, without me trying to type in something ex:

Buy My Crap! - > Our crap is 100% american made!

(i dont really know what your thing would output)


I like the video, just dont like that it auto plays


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I did not mean to offend you. Ok, I have been a bit harsh but I also provided you with at least 2 options that will help convince tough customers, especially in this troubled times where you will need a hard case for any prospect considering your product.

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not using it wouldnt be a ripoff at all, i think the problem ignace is having is that there are statistics about things but there is no real way to test it or see it in action right now. so it looks suspicious to him.


and dont worry he is pretty rough on everybody.

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since we are on the topic of the site not looking, for the lack of words legit, does the girl with headset bother anyone else? It looks great and makes sense, but i usually see those images on shady websites. Like there is a hot girl waiting for you to chat 

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but i usually see those images on shady websites.


I'm actually more interested in how you actually land on those shady websites? :P


Like there is a hot girl waiting for you to chat


Neil may not be a girl but he may have a sexy voice :)


and dont worry he is pretty rough on everybody.


Are you still upset because of my comments on your website? :P I thought you were passed that? :D

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I'm not offended. ignace provided some good points. I do reserve the right to not agree with all of it though... ;)


As for testing it, I have provided a free test which offers statistical analysis of whatever you put in. Is this not obvious / good enough? I can change it if necessary.


I think the contact us image is fair enough (why contact a dog?) but if the consensus is perhaps that a man might be better, then I can do that. Most models look reasonably good... that's why they're models.

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I'm not offended. ignace provided some good points. I do reserve the right to not agree with all of it though...


I sometimes get a little over-excited to provide you with really good feedback in a short period of time because I know this sometimes happens I added


I possibly shouldn't have said that...


Below my avatar :P


PS Neil what kind of server are you using? And where are you hosting?

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since we are on the topic of the site not looking, for the lack of words legit, does the girl with headset bother anyone else? It looks great and makes sense, but i usually see those images on shady websites. Like there is a hot girl waiting for you to chat 


Are you disappointed there isn't?

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I am... I'd have to work with her... Though the person who DOES answer the phones isn't too disappointing.


I just picture a chubby woman filing her long nails and not the hot model lol. as long as they have a great voice and not the Hindu accent (no offense to the Hindu readers).

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My only beef with it is that the video repeats itself and, as others said, doesn't start in the off position with a "Click here to see our video" or some other such link.


I know you'd be losing a lot of views by doing that, but consider this: If I am up surfing the web at 2 am, which is normal for me, and I come across a site where music all of a sudden starts playing, not only do I jump out of my seat, I go to a different site and remind myself not to return to that one.


While your video is not harsh or blaring, not giving someone the option to start it themselves is, in my opinion, not a good thing.


As for the repeating, that's just bleh. I've already heard it, I don't want to hear it again (Or if I did, I'd press play again)...

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