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The code is posted in the first thread, top of the page. The poster says "You need to do some modifications (insert your links obviously, add paths to pictures, edit the labels of the friend invite message) but the script works like a charm."



many views, no replies on how I can make my own markup language like FBML, links, tutorials (even basic ones) much appreciated


If any one feels my post fits better in a different forum (outside of php freaks) or in another category please let me know as well

many views, no replies on how I can make my own markup language like FBML


Maybe there isn't a tutorial? I'm pretty sure facebook's top developers will have put many, many man hours into developing FBML. You won't find a tutorial just a few pages long covering how it can be done.


If you're literally unable to think of any possible way as to how they might do it, then perhaps it's a bit premature to be trying?

basically they use php to parse the code....


Hello <fb:name uid="12345" />


Example output: Hello John


First they built a class that will get the users information, such as the name:


class Profile{
    public function first_name($id){
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $id");
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
        return $row['first_name'];


next they parse your content from the string $content, and pass the information to the above class:

// include some required files
include 'database.php';
include 'Profile.php';
// Load your html
$file = '/templates/file.html';
$handle = fopen($file, 'ab');
$content = fread($handle, filesisze($file));

// Create an instance of the Profile class
$profile = new Profile();
// Parse your html
$content = preg_replace("~\<fb\:name uid=\"(.+?)\" \/\>~sei", $profile->first_name('$1'), $content);
echo $content


So... here is the lowdown on what is happening...

- First some required files are included.

- Next your file is loaded up

- A class instance is created for profile

- They pares your html with preg and replace the FBML with HTML

- Finally they echo out the file result.

I understand that the xmlns is just a 'pointer'

The namespace URI is not used by the parser to look up information.


The purpose is to give the namespace a unique name. However, often companies use the namespace as a pointer to a web page containing namespace information.


So the JS that you also must call must do the replace


buy why do they need to do the DOM parse?

Hi Rhodry,


Do a read-up on XSLT, DTD, XML, XPath, XQuery, .. as that's what you are looking for. Afterwards you can take it a step further and like Daniel suggested write your own.


xmlns:rhodry="path/to/rhodry/dtd" ;) (<rhodry:talk/>)


http://www.w3schools.com - is a good place to start

Actually, I didn't want him to create his own XML parser, but just to use an existing one like SimpleXML or DOM in PHP.


Oh, I thought you meant to write his own xmlns:rhodry so he could use something like <rhodry:talk message="hello world"/> all perfectly possible using X-series stuff (I think, I can vaguely remember we did something similar in an XSLT class)

Right, yeah. Define his own namespace like that. XSLT might be able to do what he wants actually. I haven't really used it very much.


Blizzard and Facebook uses it, I've toyed with it in the past but it never appealed to me. It's quite useful when you don't have access to a scripting language or if you don't mind that all data (XML) is publicly available (unless you parse XSLT server-side, but that defeats the purpose IMO).


I think I've found a CMS application once that was hosted on a central PHP server and allowed you to add FTP-servers, add data, add HTML/CSS templates, and drag-and-drop (+adjust look eg number of items) data on these templates.


Once you were done, you could publish (XML+XSLT+CSS+images) it to your FTP-server.


I tried to find it through Google but nothing turned up. Using my delicious bookmarks I found pagelime (http://pagelime.com/) but it's not what I was looking for. I remember it was still in beta when I first came across it.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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