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I decided to include PHPMailer for use with the outgoing e-mails, but for some reason when I submit the form, the page include just disappears and no mail gets sent... Here is the code that I tried:


      $mailer = new PHPMailer();

      $mailer->Host = $host;
      $mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
      $mailer->Username = $user;
      $mailer->Password = $password;
      $mailer->From = $address_from;

      $mailer->WordWrap = 50;


      $mailer->Subject = $subject;
      $mailer->Body = $message;

        echo "<h3>The message was sent successfully...</h3>";
        echo "<h3>The message could not be sent...</h3>" . $mailer->ErrorInfo;


Everythng is on the same page as the form, and the other code works fine, it's only the e-mail part...


Any help will be greatly appreciated



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What is your


$mailer->Port equal to on the server?


echo the user/password and make sure they are correct.


IsHTML(true) I think is depreciated.



instead of ->Body



$mailer->AltBody="Non html version";


And try changing:



$mailer->AddAddress($address_to, "Recipient");


To make sure you don't need a name to call the method.

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I'll quickly try those, but I discovered that even a simple script like the one below, stops executing completely... Is there some way to make sure that the PHP script "sees" class.phpmailer.php? I placed it in the same directory as the contact.php page though... And the webhost told me that the port is set to the default

  $mail = new PHPMailer();
  echo "Hello World";


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Okay so I used the file_exists function, and it returned that it found the file, then I commented out the $mail = new PHPMailer(); command  and left the required, and it still executed the code after the require command. But when I uncommented the $mail = new PHPMailer(); command, the code stopped executing again... Any ideas on what could be wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated... It seems as if the problem is in the object...

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