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URL conversion


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Hey guys,


First off, I want to say i'm not sure if this was the right section, but it seemed most appropriate (if what i'm looking for is a PHP application, anyway)


The title was the most relevant way I could put it, but his is what i'm looking for:


An application which can convert your URL, so say for example a URL on my site was:


Then the application would convert the URL to:



I'm sure i've seen this application advertised somewhere before, I just forgot what is was called!


Please respond, thanks ^_^

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First flip your perspective on your head, the way your application should work is all links on your site should be change to be http://www.example.com/thing/this, then once this is done you use mod_rewrite to rewrite that style of url to the other style (http://www.example.com/?thing=this). Therefore you pages should be coded to work the way it probably currently does (i.e with http://www.example.com/?thing=this links), however all links on your page should be the other type. A simple example of how a RewriteRule...


RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$ /?$1=$2

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Okay, well my main aim to use this for is for the following:






(And maybe the opposite way around too, so they can type either one)


I'm guessing this cannot be too difficult?



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You will also need...


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on


Bare in mind this will forward ALL requests to your site to that page, this will likely screw up all css/images/js files on your site, so this is something to take into account also.

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Oh, and on the redirection - to avoid image/js/css collision, I could just redirect from a URL which doesnt exist, such as site.com/site/WHATEVERHERE which redirects to site.com/site.php?s=WHATEVERHERE


This will stopp the collision with css/js/imgs won't it? Since the directory /site doesn't actually exist, it's just what the users will type

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Redirect all URLs that are not files or directories on the server to that address. Since usernames probably use a specific character set you would really want to be more specific, but it should get you started.

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Okay, but it seems to not work.


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
RewriteRule site/^(.*)$ /site.php?s=$1




Not Found

The requested URL /site/hi was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

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