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Financial Web Application Security.


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I am currently developing a php web app that is pretty much like quickbooks.

I intend this tool to be used by the public, so security is a big deal.


I am implementing a feature that will allow users to upload a CVS file from their bank, or other financial institution to the server that gets parsed, split, and entered into a table on a database.

Other than using SSL, what other ways can I ensure that the data uploaded is secure.


How secure do you think financial information needs to be?

Just so I am clear, the information is all transaction and balance related. Nothing along the lines of account number or even what bank they use is stored. Think of it like a big online check balance book.

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Just so I am clear, the information is all transaction and balance related. Nothing along the lines of account number or even what bank they use is stored. Think of it like a big online check balance book.


Given that then, I don't think you need to worry about any legal obligations. To further secure the data though you could encrypt it?

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