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need to use php to output <object> info for a video to show on its own page

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hi, this is the code i have so far, i want to put the video on its own page pulled from the database.


echo '<a href="picture.php?fileName='.urlencode($picture['fileName']).'
"><object data="data/test.mpg" type="video/mpeg" width="320" height="255">
  <param name="src" value="data/test.mpg">
  <param name="autoplay" value="false">
  <param name="autoStart" value="0">
  alt : <a href="data/test.mpg">test.mpg</a>

i have a php page that lets you upload images into an uploads folder and the name is put into a database. then the get page gets the image and displays the larger version. i am altering it to have it upload videos , and i want the get page to display the video. but im having problems with the code. this is as far as i got.



function checkFile($fileName) {
if (!empty($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES[$fileName]) &&//why use files file.
	 ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/x-msvideo") //.avi
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/quicktime") //quicktime 
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/x-ms-asf")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/mp4")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "audio/x-ms-wmv")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/x-ms-wmv")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/mpeg") 
        && ($_FILES[$fileName]["size"] < 10000000))  {//400k file size max


that is from the "videos.php" upload page.


and this is the get page



echo '<object data="upload/'.$_GET['fileName'].'" type="video/mpeg" width="320" height="255">
  <param name="src" value="upload/'.$_GET['fileName'].'">
  <param name="autoplay" value="false">
  <param name="autoStart" value="0">


here is the full code to the video upload page.




function checkFile($fileName) {
if (!empty($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES[$fileName]) &&//why use files file.
	 ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/x-msvideo") //.avi
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/quicktime") //quicktime 
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/x-ms-asf")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/mp4")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "audio/x-ms-wmv")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/x-ms-wmv")
        || ($_FILES[$fileName]["type"] == "video/mpeg") 
        && ($_FILES[$fileName]["size"] < 10000000))  {//400k file size max
	//THIS HAS PHP AUTOMATIC ERRORS TO  DISPLAY it will display the file name and the error//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	if(!empty($_FILES[$fileName]["error"])) {
		//echo 'check4';
		return "Error: " . $_FILES[$fileName]["error"] . "<br />";//puts out error if a file error exists.
	} elseif (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES[$fileName]["name"])) {
		//echo 'check5';
		return $_FILES[$fileName]["name"] . " already exists. "; //we can access different file names from the form using "name". 
	} elseif(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileName]["tmp_name"], "upload/" . $_FILES[$fileName]["name"])) { //OTHERWISE UPLOAD THE FILES TO THE DIRECTORY /UPLOAD
		return 'Error uploading file.'; 
	} else {
		return false;
} else {
	return 'Incorrect file size or type.';;

function checkLength($variable, $variableString){
if(strlen($variable) < 5) {
	return $variableString.' was too short, please make it larger than 5 characters.';
} elseif(strlen($variable) > 50) {
	return $variableString.' was too long, please make it smaller than 50 characters.';

}//end function

//for debugging 
//echo '<pre>' . print_r($_POST, 1) . '</pre>'; //echoes contents of POST array.

if (isset($_POST['submitButton'])) {
	if (empty($_POST['pictureTitle'])){
		$error['pictureTitle'] = 'Please enter a title for your picture'.' <br />';
//THE BELOW IS TO BE ECHOED OUT LATER.   checks the length of picture title and puts <br />
//results into errror array that we can echo later . 
	} elseif(checkLength($_POST['pictureTitle'], 'Picture title')) {//??????
			$error['pictureTitle'] = checkLength($_POST['pictureTitle'], 'Picture     				                 title');//in checkLength, Picture title gets passed in as $variableString and then that is used to output relevant errors
	}//end elseif 

//start get file type code

	if(checkFile('file')) { //we get the 'file' from the form.
		$error['file'] = checkFile('file');
	} elseif(checkFile('secondFile')) {
		$error['secondFile'] = checkFile('secondFile');
	} else {

		 ///////////////////FILES here is set when form is submitted. 
		$checkSQL = 'SELECT pictureID FROM picture WHERE title = "'.$_FILES["file"]["name"].'"'; //we can access different file names from the form with ["name"	
		$checkQuery = mysql_query($checkSQL);
		if (mysql_num_rows($checkQuery) > 0) {
			$error['file'] = 'error: file already exists.';
		} else {
			$addSQL = '
				INSERT INTO picture (title, fileName, timeCreated)
				VALUES ("'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pictureTitle']).'", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES["file"]["name"]).'", "'.time().'")'; 
			//$_FILES['secondFile']['name']; we can access multiple file names with this

			if (mysql_error()) {
				$error['file'] = 'There was an error uploading to the database';
			} else {

				$addSQL = '
					INSERT INTO picture (title, fileName, timeCreated)
					VALUES ("'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['secondPictureTitle']).'", "'.mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES["secondFile"]["name"]).'", "'.time().'")'; 

				if(mysql_error()) {
					$error['secondFile'] = 'There was an error uploading the second file to the database.';
				} else {
					$success = 'Files were successfully uploaded to the database!';
} else { 
	$error['file'] = 'Error: file was not a gif, jpeg or pjpeg, or was over 400kb.';

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>

<title>Derek's gallery copy</title>
<style type"text/css">

.style1 {
font-size: larger;
color: #FFFFFF


<?php echo '<html><body>';?>
<div id="container">

<?php include('includes/header.php');?>


echo "<p></p><div align='center'><h3>Welcome to the gallery, today's date is ". date("m/d/Y").". </h3></div><p></p>";

echo "<table align='center'><tr>";

$pictureSQL = 'SELECT fileName FROM picture';
$pictureQuery = mysql_query($pictureSQL);
echo mysql_error();

$count = 0;

echo '<tr>';

while($picture = mysql_fetch_assoc($pictureQuery)){
if($count%8 == 0) { //modulus, if $count is divisible by 8, start a new row.
	echo '</tr><tr>';
echo '<td>';

echo '<a href="picture.php?fileName='.urlencode($picture['fileName']).'
"><img src="upload/'.$picture['fileName'].'" "height="80" width="80" /></a>';  

echo '</td>';

}//end while loop
//echo '<pre>'.print_r($error,1).'</pre>';//debugs error array
echo '</tr></table>';

<form action="index_copy.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<br />

<table align="center" width="270" border="1"><tr>
<td><span class="style1">Please upload your image</span>
<br />
<br />

 if((isset($_POST['submitButton']))) {
	if (isset($error)) {
	echo 'The following errors ocurred.';
		foreach ($error as $errorMessage) {
		echo $errorMessage. "<br />";
	} elseif (isset($success)){
		echo $success;
  }//end isset submit
      <br />
      <br />
      <span class="style1">File Name</span>
      <input type="text" name="pictureTitle" id="pictureTitle" />
      <input type="file" name="file" id="file"/>
      <span class="style1">File Name</span>
      <input type="text" name="secondPictureTitle" id="secondPictureTitle" />
      <input type="file" name="secondFile"/> </td>
     <td> <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="submit" /></td>

</div><!--end container-->

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