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automatic Array to object conversion


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Hi all.


I just moved my app (eshop) to another server and the shopping cart stopped working.


I create it as an array when the first item is added. It's a 2D array, for each index in the first dimension (different products) there are 4 indexes in the second (product ID, price, etc). On my localhost as on the old server I just used $_SESSION['cart'][$i]['ID'] and there was no problem at all. But on this new server, this array converts into an object. If it wasn't a 2D array, I could use the '->' operator instead of '[]', but here it doesn't always work.

I know it, because I checked it with var_dump. On localhost I get array(1) { [0]=>  object(stdClass)#1 (4) { ["ID"]=>  string(1) "5" ["amount"]=>  int(1) ["name"]=>  string(25) "Razer ProTone m100, white" ["price"]=>  string(5) "19.99" } } , while my new server outputs object(Cart)#4 (0) { } }with the same code ofc).


It would be awesome if I knew a way to turn this stupid 'feature' off (note that I don't have direct access to php.ini)


Any ideas ?

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OK, not days, but certainly longer than I could take :D


Here's how the cart variable is initialized.


	public function addItem($id, $amt, $nm, $prc) {
	if (!isset($_SESSION['cart']))
		$_SESSION['cart'] = array();

	if (!$this->inCart($id)) {
		$i = count($_SESSION['cart']);
		$_SESSION['cart']->$i->ID = $id;
		$_SESSION['cart']->$i->amount = $amt;
		$_SESSION['cart']->$i->name = $nm;
		$_SESSION['cart']->$i->price = $prc;


(at first it was assigned through "[]", I changed it because it was throwing errors)


When I try to get the values, I either get errors (trough "[]") or  NULL (trough "->").



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I wish it was. But it's not.


At first I was accessing it trough "[]", but then it threw me errors complaining that I can not access object variables trough []. I only changed it later.


And what's most important : the same code on a different server runs just fine. So it must somewhere in the server settings.


I just put it back the way it was (with []). It works on localhost but doesn't work on my new server.

btw the old server runs an older version of PHP, and my local server runs a newer one as the new server.

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