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PHP 5 not loading with apache

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When i type localhost in the url : Apache claims its working.


However, PHP wont load.


I have followed the instructions off this page :



to install PHP-5 with Apache 2.2


After numerous re-installs of Apache and even changed directories from program files (86) to program files thinking it may have been a windows 7 thing.


Added the Following code to the httpd.conf file


LoadModule php5_module "c:/php-5/php5apache2_2.dll"


AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml


PHPIniDir "c:/php-5"


I put the proper Dll files from the PHP 5 dir it asked me to into system32 dir


along with the php.ini into C:\Windows


Final Test :


All I get when I attempt to load the test page is :


<?php phpinfo();?> in text.



Can someone please help me ?

I'm completely worn out from this ..



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A few questions:


1. Are you browsing through Localhost?

2. Is the file in question located in the htdocs folder?

3. Is the file extension .php or .phtml?

4. After modifying the httpd.conf did you restart the server?


From the sounds of it you are doing everything right but not knowing or having access to the server it is hard to say what you could be doing wrong.

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