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Question from newbie on PHP but w/ extensive web design/programming knowledge

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Hey guys


I am new to PHP but I definately understand the fundamentals of programming/HTML/CSS etc...

Ill make this quick and to the point, how do I create a dynamic treeview menu (javascript) as seen here (on the left side): http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps/index.php


I am attempting to convert and redesign this site (http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/research/jtwrcc/WWDT/index.html) into a brand new website using the treeview menu javascript function. I don't know where to start so any help would be greatl appreciated.


Is there a way to view the PHP code used at http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps/index.php


I have researched tons online and can't find any help.


Thanks so much and sorry for my Newbness :)



HTML/CSS/Javascript are not programming languages.  HTML is a markup language, and hell, PHP is even arguably a programming language itself.  Sorry, doesn't help your problem at hand, just FYI.


JavaScript is actually a programming language.

HTML/CSS/Javascript are not programming languages.  HTML is a markup language, and hell, PHP is even arguably a programming language itself.  Sorry, doesn't help your problem at hand, just FYI.


A powerful one at that given the right environment.


JavaScript is actually a programming language.

Thanks for the reply guys (although some off topic, hehe), I dont know if my question was TOTALLY answered so I thought I'd re-state it.


If you look at http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps/index.php, you will see that the treeview menu on the left changes (some links are greyed out/some are not) as you click on specific variables. For example, clicking on the AVERAGE TEMPERATURE variable greys out some options in the Timescale/Data Range menu underneath it. But, when you click PRECIPITATION those previously greyed out options now become active and clickable. I want to create this dynamic functionality but don't know where to start. Go play around with the menu and you will see what I am talking about. I think this is done via PHP but I have no idea how/where to view the PHP code to see how this is done.


Thanks for the help everyone

You can't view their PHP code since it's server sided not client. They are using JS to display the content but probably have it defined in a PHP varriable to load. Check the links they posted farther up and see that ..

Kaboom, I have looked at all the links and I can totally apply what is stated in those links but my question is how do I create the php functionality of the left menu bar at http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps/index.php. I understand how to create the menu using Jquery but I dont know how to dynamically change active/non-active  links depending on what is clicked-on at the time.


Does this make sense? In my past post I give a better example of this:


If you look at http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps/index.php, you will see that the treeview menu on the left changes (some links are greyed out/some are not) as you click on specific variables. For example, clicking on the AVERAGE TEMPERATURE variable greys out some options in the Timescale/Data Range menu underneath it. But, when you click PRECIPITATION those previously greyed out options now become active and clickable. I want to create this dynamic functionality but don't know where to start. Go play around with the menu and you will see what I am talking about. I think this is done via PHP but I have no idea how/where to view the PHP code to see how this is done.


You click on 'average temperature', the PHP checks what 'timescale/data range' values are valid for this selection and echoes them as active, graying all the rest out. Then you click 'precipitation' and same thing happens.

Ahhh Ok i understand what you are saying Mchl. Can you provide me an example of this kinda of PHP code? If I see an example of it, I can work from there. Its how I learn. I am just trying to understand how to echo back webpages with certain links active/non-active.




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