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I wrote function to get value of specific variable in file:

function get_lang_of($name)
     $lines = file("config.php");

     foreach (array_values($lines) AS $line)
          list($key, $val) = explode('=', trim($line) );
          if (trim($key) == $name)
          {     $val = convEnt($val);
                return $val;
     return false;


and call it with get_value_of('$topics_per_page');

In file config.php I have:

$topic_per_page = "10"

and with this function I get 10.


I need same function (method) but to write.




Tried but failed.

Wanted to avoid white spaces:

$topics_per_page = '10'  and  $topics_per_page      =    '10'


Tried something like this (not function):

$file = "config.php";
$file_contents = file_get_contents($file);

$fh = fopen($file, "w");
$file_contents = str_replace('$topics_per_page = \'10\'','$topics_per_page = \'5\'',$file_contents);
fwrite($fh, $file_contents);

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This works fine:

function write_value_of($var,$oldval,$newval) {
$contents = file_get_contents('config.php');
$contents = str_replace($var . " = '" . $oldval . "'",$var . " = '" . $newval . "'",$contents);



Thanks ken.


Thats working. But as you see from previous function I use explode('=', trim($line) ) to eliminate empty spaces between variable and value. I already tried similiar code as you suggest, but it wont working if I have (example):

$topics_per_page    =  '5';

only will work in this case:

$topics_per_page = '5';


Not big deal, but still want to eliminate this.

I'm guessing your config.php file is basically containing a bunch of variables. You could code your get_value_of function as

function get_value_of($name)
    include 'config.php';

        return ${$name};

     return false;


Now to get the value for $topics_per_page

$topics_per_page = get_value_of('topics_per_page');

Yes. I wrote it in first post. Now I want to write variable.


part of content of config.php

$topics_per_page = '10';

$blah_blah = '5'; ...etc


Now want to write new value (for example in $topics_per_page). That is not a problem. Get variable...and than write another value. Problem is if I have:

$topics_per_page  =  '10';

(instead of $topics_per_page = '10'; - note white space).


Problem with getting value is solved (ignoring white space between =), but when I write value if I have one more empty space between variable, '=' and value it wont work. Hope now its clear.

Try this:

function write_value_of($var,$oldval,$newval) {
$contents = file('config.php');
$tmp = array();
foreach ($contents as $line) {
	list($k,$v) = explode('=',trim($line));
	$tmp[trim($k)] = trim($v);
if (array_key_exists($var,$tmp) && rtrim($tmp[$var],';') == $oldval) {
	$tmp[$var] = str_replace($oldval,$newval,$tmp[$var]);
$tmp1 = array();
foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
	$tmp1[] = $k . ' = ' . $v;

The code works even if you have a ";" at the end of the line. A side effect is that the multiple spaces around the "=" are eliminated.



Unfortunately, I noticed some failure in function  :shrug:


When I call function it add "=" at first 3 lines and at last 3 lines.

So it look like this:

<?php =
session_start(); =
$server = 'localhost';
$username = 'root';
$password = '';


instead of:


$server = 'localhost';
$username = 'root';
$password = '';
$topics_per_page = '10';


function write_value_of($var,$oldval,$newval)
$contents = file_get_contents('config.php');

$regex = '~\\'.$var.'\s+=\s+\''.$oldval.'\';~is';

$contents = preg_replace($regex, "$var = '$newval';", $contents);		

file_put_contents('config.php', $contents);



I went with the regex approach.

if you are looking to store variables and values...there's really no reason why you need to store them as valid php syntax...if you're gonna do that, why not just include the file so the variables are simple made...(though i guess this doesn't account for writing values..)


Alternatively, just do the var:value with a simple delimiter so you don't need to mess around with having to strip out all that extra php syntax...


Alternatively, you could look into serialize and unserialize



  • 2 weeks later...

I'm late to this post, but I thought I would recomend using an array.  As with many things, arrays make it so much easier.  Your config.php would need to be only vars and be structured like this:


$config['username'] = 'user';
$config['password'] = 'secret';


Then it's fairly straightforward.  Just a thought:


function get_value_of($var) {
include 'config.php';
return isset($config[$var]) ? $config[$var] : false;

function write_value_of($var, $val) {
include 'config.php';
$config[$var] = $val;

$output = '<?php' . PHP_EOL;
foreach($config as $k => $v) {
	$output .= "\$config['$k'] = '$v';". PHP_EOL;
$output .= '?>' . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents('config.php', $output);


Without a check to see if the var exists, you can add vars.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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