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image variable falling down in if statement


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Hello All,

I have been using basic PHP for a while, but just in need of my first if/ifelse statement and things are going slightly tits up with an '<img src' variable. Basically the script is stuttering when I try to mix html and php... any ideas on why things run until I call the variable?

Below is the script in the file and below that the output from 'view page source'... as you can see the thing falls down as soon as I try to call the image name from the database.



// create database connection
$conn = dbConnect('XXXXXXX');

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Image By...  :: Photography and T Shirts</title>
<link href="flashbum.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<table align="center" width="930" border="0">
<div class="header"></div>
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY article_id ASC';
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if ($orientation = 'landscape'){
echo '<div class=imageholderlandscape>';
echo '<div class=landscape>';
echo '<img src="gallery/$image" width="300" height="200" />';
echo '<div class=text>';
echo '<p><?php echo $row[dateadded]; ?></p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<b><?php echo $row[item_name]; ?></b><br />';
echo '<?php echo $row[imagedescription]; ?>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class=spacer></div>';

<?php } ?>

<div class="footer"></div>


From page source


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Image By...  :: Photography and T Shirts</title>
<link href="flashbum.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<table align="center" width="930" border="0">
<div class="header"></div>
	<div class=imageholderlandscape><div class=landscape><img src="gallery/$image" width="300" height="200" /><div class=text><p><?php echo $row[dateadded]; ?></p></div></div><b><?php echo $row[item_name]; ?></b><br /><?php echo $row[imagedescription]; ?></div><div class=spacer></div>	
<div class=imageholderlandscape><div class=landscape><img src="gallery/$image" width="300" height="200" /><div class=text><p><?php echo $row[dateadded]; ?></p></div></div><b><?php echo $row[item_name]; ?></b><br /><?php echo $row[imagedescription]; ?></div><div class=spacer></div>	
<div class=imageholderlandscape><div class=landscape><img src="gallery/$image" width="300" height="200" /><div class=text><p><?php echo $row[dateadded]; ?></p></div></div><b><?php echo $row[item_name]; ?></b><br /><?php echo $row[imagedescription]; ?></div><div class=spacer></div>	

<div class="footer"></div>


All help gratefully recieved

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I tried changing the if statement...

double (==) returns nothing within the if statement

single (=) returns upto calling the $image variable


View source shows <img src="gallery/$image" instead of <img src="gallery/imagename.jpg etc


Any more ideas?

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Variables are not interpolated within single quotes.


Thorpe's right, look into interpolation.

For example: instead of:

 echo '<p><?php echo $row[dateadded]; ?></p>';


do it this way:

 echo '<p>'.$row[dateadded].'</p>';


And to address your direct topic:

 echo '<img src="gallery/'.$image.'" width="300" height="200" />';


Hope that helps

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Nice one, DevilsAdvocate

It worked a treat and does everything I need... I'm not going to mark it as solved just in case I need to come back when the ifelse statement fails...


However if it works no problem I will pop back and mark it as such

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Hey, hey...


What am I doing wrong? Took your advice and then put in the else statement... the else should report a portrait image as the if reports the landscape... anyway... tried a few combinations and looked at a few websites but I think I'm doing everything right...



<div class=imageholderlandscape><div class=landscape><img src="gallery/newlandsvalley.jpg" width="300" height="200" /><div class=text><p>10th July 10</p></div></div><b>Newlands Valley</b><br />Newlands Valley is a stunning place to see. Just South West of Keswick, it is a awe inspiring walk or drive.<br />

<br /></div><div class=spacer></div>



The images are showing as they should with the format correct... but, there are three images, two are set to 'landscape' in the database and one is set to 'portrait' yet they are all showing as landscape.


The php is as follows



$sql = 'SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY article_id ASC';

$result = $conn->query($sql);

while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {



if ($orientation = 'landscape'){

echo '<div class=imageholderlandscape>';

echo '<div class=landscape>';

echo '<img src="gallery/'.$row[image].'" width="300" height="200" />';

echo '<div class=text>';

echo '<p>'.$row[dateadded].'</p>';

echo '</div>';

echo '</div>';

echo '<b>'.$row[item_name].'</b>';

echo '<br />'.$row[imagedescription].'</div>';

echo '<div class=spacer></div>';


echo '<div class=imageholderportrait>';

echo '<div class=portrait>';

echo '<img src="gallery/'.$row[image].'" width="200" height="300" />';

echo '<div class=text>';

echo '<p>'.$row[dateadded].'</p>';

echo '</div>';

echo '</div>';

echo '<b>'.$row[item_name].'</b>';

echo '<br />'.$row[imagedescription].'</div>';

echo '<div class=spacer></div>';





Which section is it that is trying to make me look stupid?

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Like I said, the "if" statement is wrong.

if ($orientation = 'landscape'){

One "=" is for assignment, two "==" is for comparison.


What's happening here is that you're assigning the string 'landscape' to the variable $orientation which always returns "true" and the if statement succeeds.


You need to use

if ($orientation == 'landscape'){


What I don't see is where the variable $orientation is being set in the first place.



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Thanks for the repeat Ken, I understand that instruction now

The portrait works (as they are all returning portrait (but I understand why))... however the variable $orientation is in the database. I guess all portrait because I havent set it anywhere on the page, just thought it would be read from the sql

Where and how does it need to be set?


...first time into setting variables as I have always just drawn them straight...

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If the 'orientation' is in the database you have to get the value from the $row, probably like this:

if ($row['orientation'] == 'landscape'){


It would also be good if you indent your code properly as it makes debugging easier:

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY article_id ASC';
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if ($row['orientation'] == 'landscape'){
	echo '<div class=imageholderlandscape>';
	echo '<div class=landscape>';
	echo '<img src="gallery/'.$row[image].'" width="300" height="200" />';
	echo '<div class=text>';
	echo '<p>'.$row['dateadded'].'</p>';
	echo '</div>';
	echo '</div>';
	echo '<b>'.$row['item_name'].'</b>';
	echo '<br />'.$row['imagedescription'].'</div>';
	echo '<div class=spacer></div>';
	echo '<div class=imageholderportrait>';
	echo '<div class=portrait>';
	echo '<img src="gallery/'.$row['image'].'" width="200" height="300" />';
	echo '<div class=text>';
	echo '<p>'.$row['dateadded'].'</p>';
	echo '</div>';
	echo '</div>';
	echo '<b>'.$row['item_name'].'</b>';
	echo '<br />'.$row['imagedescription'].'</div>';
	echo '<div class=spacer></div>';


Looking at your code, I shortened it a little by making a function to create the string to echo.

function disp_pic($row,$w,$h) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp[] = '<div class="imageholder' . $row['orientation'] . '">';
$tmp[] = '<div class="' . $row['orientation'] . '">';
$tmp[] = '<img src="gallery/' . $row['image'] . '" width="' . $w . '" height="' . $h . '" />';
$tmp[] = '<div class="text">';
$tmp[] = '<p>' . $row['dateadded'] . '</p>';
$tmp[] = '</div>';
$tmp[] = '</div>';
$tmp[] = '<b>' . $row['item_name'] . '</b>';
$tmp[] = '<br />' . $row['description'] . '</div>';
$tmp[] = '<div class="spacer"></div>';
return(implode("\n",$tmp) . "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY article_id ASC';
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo disp_pic($row,$w,$h);



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Thanks Ken, that is brilliant...

The first code works a treat... there was one small problem as there was a termination '}' that was missing.


As for your shortened version I will take a little time to digest the code, but digest I will.


Stunning... after a couple of nights of pulling hair out you really helped me on the road to a regaining a full head of hair.

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