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Undefined offset


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Trying to run this plugin inside of wordpress but keep getting this php error and knew someone would see the issue.


Notice: Undefined offset: 21 in /home/content/y/a/n/yankeefaninkc/html/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podcasting-player.php on line 214


Here's that file:




$podcasting_excerpt_check = false;

* Handle's the various format players for Podcasting
* @author Spiral Web Consulting
class PodcastingPlayer
   var $_id = 0;
   var $_playerAdded = array();
    * Setup the player for use
   function PodcastingPlayer() {
      add_shortcode('podcast', array($this, 'shortcode'));
      add_action('wp_print_scripts', array($this, 'addPlayerScripts'));
      add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'addPlayerJavascript'));
      add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'theContent'), 50);
      add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array($this, 'checkExcerpt'), 1);
    * Handle's the podcast shortcode
   function shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
      global $post, $podcasting_excerpt_check;
      # Don't process the excerpt
      if ( $podcasting_excerpt_check )
         return '';

      # Mark the player added so it doesn't happen automatically
      $this->_playerAdded[$post->ID] = true;

      # Extract the information from the shortcode
      extract( shortcode_atts( array(
         'format' => 'mp3',
         'width' => get_option('pod_player_width'),
         'height' => get_option('pod_player_height'),
         'flashvars' => ''
         ), $atts ) );
      # Increase the id count

      # Display the correct player
      if ( 'mp3' == $format && get_option('pod_player_use_video') == 'no' )
         return $this->audioPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars);
      elseif ( 'video' == $format || get_option('pod_player_use_video') == 'yes' )
         return $this->videoPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars);
    * The audio player
    * @return the HTML for the audio player
   function audioPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars)
      $podcasting_player_url = plugins_url('/podcasting/player/player.swf');

      # Grab the player's surrounding text
      $podcasting_text_above = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_text_above'));
      $podcasting_text_before = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_text_before'));
      $podcasting_text_below = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_text_below'));
      $podcasting_text_link = get_option('pod_player_text_link');

      # Text above the player
      if ( $podcasting_text_above != '' ) {
         if ( 'above' == $podcasting_text_link )
            $podcasting_text_above = "<p><a href='$content'>$podcasting_text_above</a></p>";
            $podcasting_text_above = "<p>$podcasting_text_above</p>";

      # Text immeaditely before the player
      if ( $podcasting_text_before != '' ) {
         if ( 'before' == $podcasting_text_link )
            $podcasting_text_before = "<a href='$content'>$podcasting_text_before</a> ";
            $podcasting_text_before .= ' ';

      # Text below the player
      if ( $podcasting_text_below != '' ) {
         if ( 'below' == $podcasting_text_link )
            $podcasting_text_below = "<p><a href='$content'>$podcasting_text_below</a></p>";
            $podcasting_text_below = "<p>$podcasting_text_below</p>";

      # Add the flashvars if any
      if ( $flashvars != '' )
         $flashvars = ', ' . $flashvars;

      # Check if is a feed
      if ( is_feed() ) {
         return $podcasting_text_above . $podcasting_text_before . '<a href="' . $content . '">' . $content . '</a>' . $podcasting_text_below;
      } else {
         return $podcasting_text_above . $podcasting_text_before . '<span id="pod_audio_' . $this->_id . '"> </span>
      <script type="text/javascript"> 
         AudioPlayer.embed("pod_audio_' . $this->_id . '", {soundFile: "' . rawurlencode($content) . '"' . $flashvars . '}); 
      ' . $podcasting_text_below;
    * The video player
   function videoPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars) {
      $podcasting_player_url = plugins_url('/podcasting/player/mediaplayer.swf');

      # Check to make sure the width and height have values
      $width = ( $width == '' ) ? '400' : $width;
      $height = ( $height == '' ) ? '300' : $height;

      # Add the flashvars, if any
      $global_flashvars = stripslashes(get_option('pod_video_flashvars'));
      $global_flashvars = ( $global_flashvars != '' ) ? ', ' . $global_flashvars : '';
      $flashvars = ( $flashvars != '' ) ? ', ' . $flashvars : '';

      # Grab the player's surrounding text
      $podcasting_text_above = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_text_above'));
      $podcasting_text_before = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_text_before'));
      $podcasting_text_below = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_text_below'));
      $podcasting_text_link = get_option('pod_player_text_link');

      # Above the player
      if ( $podcasting_text_above != '' ) {
         if ( 'above' == $podcasting_text_link )
            $podcasting_text_above = "<p><a href='$content'>$podcasting_text_above</a></p>";
            $podcasting_text_above = "<p>$podcasting_text_above</p>";

      # Text right before the player
      if ( $podcasting_text_before != '' ) {
         if ( 'before' == $podcasting_text_link )
            $podcasting_text_before = "<a href='$content'>$podcasting_text_before</a> ";
            $podcasting_text_before .= ' ';

      # Text below the player
      if ( $podcasting_text_below != '' ) {
         if ( 'below' == $podcasting_text_link )
            $podcasting_text_below = "<p><a href='$content'>$podcasting_text_below</a></p>";
            $podcasting_text_below = "<p>$podcasting_text_below</p>";

      # Check if is a feed
      if ( is_feed() ) {
         return $podcasting_text_above . '<a href="' . $content . '">' . $content . '</a>' . $podcasting_text_below;
      } else {
         return $podcasting_text_above . '<span id="pod_video_' . $this->_id . '"> </span>' . $podcasting_text_below . '
      <script type="text/javascript">
         var pod_video_flashvars_' . $this->_id . ' = { file: "' . rawurlencode($content) . '"' . $global_flashvars . $flashvars . ' };
         var pod_video_params_' . $this->_id . ' = { allowfullscreen: "true", allowscriptaccess: "always" };
         swfobject.embedSWF("' . $podcasting_player_url . '", "pod_video_' . $this->_id . '", "' . $width . '", "' . $height . '", "9.0.0", "", pod_video_flashvars_' . $this->_id . ', pod_video_params_' . $this->_id . ');
    * Adds the player's javascript to the page
   function addPlayerScripts() {
      wp_enqueue_script('swfobject', plugins_url('/podcasting/player/swfobject.js'), false, '2.1');
      wp_enqueue_script('audio-player', plugins_url('/podcasting/player/audio-player-noswfobject.js'), false, '2.0');
    * Add the Javascript needed to control the various players
   function addPlayerJavascript() {
      # Grab the audio player's global flashvars
      $global_flashvars = stripslashes(get_option('pod_player_flashvars'));
      # Add the global flashvars, if any
      if ( get_option('pod_player_flashvars') != '' )
         $global_flashvars = ', ' . $global_flashvars;
      # Adjust the audio player's width
      $pod_player_width = stripslashes(get_option('pod_audio_width'));
      if ( $pod_player_width == '' )
         $pod_player_width = 290;
      # Initialize the audio player
      <!-- Podcasting <?php echo PODCASTING_VERSION; ?>: http://podcastingplugin.com/ -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
         AudioPlayer.setup("<?php echo plugins_url('/podcasting/player/player.swf'); ?>", { 
            width: <?php echo $pod_player_width . $global_flashvars; ?>
    * Add the player automatically to a post
   function theContent($content) {
      global $wpdb, $post, $podcasting_excerpt_check;
      # Don't process the excerpt
      if ( $podcasting_excerpt_check )
         return $content;
      # Don't automatically add the player if the page is a feed, the player has already been added, or the user has the automatic player option disabled
      if ( is_feed() || $this->_playerAdded[$post->ID] || get_option('pod_player_location') == '' )
         return $content;

      # If there is a post id, grab the enclosures
      if ($post->ID)
         $enclosures = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = {$post->ID} AND meta_key = 'enclosure' ORDER BY meta_id", ARRAY_A);

      # Stop if no enclosures
      if ( $enclosures == '' )
         return $content;

      # For each enclosure
      foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
         # Parse out the enclosure information
         $enclosure_value = explode("\n", $enclosure['meta_value']);
         $enclosure_itunes = unserialize($enclosure_value[3]);
         # Check if the enclosure is an audio format
         $podcast_player = ( 'mp3' == substr(trim($enclosure_value[0]), -3) ) ? true : false;
         # Check if the enclosure is a video format
         $podcast_video_player_formats = array('m4v', 'mp4', 'mov', 'flv');
         $podcast_video_player = ( in_array(substr(trim($enclosure_value[0]), -3), $podcast_video_player_formats) ) ? true : false;
         # Place the player in correct spot on the page
         if ( $podcast_player )
            if ( get_option('pod_player_location') == 'top' )
               $content = $this->shortcode(array('format'=>'mp3'), trim($enclosure_value[0])) . $content;
               $content .= $this->shortcode(array('format'=>'mp3'), trim($enclosure_value[0]));
         elseif ( $podcast_video_player )
            if ( get_option('pod_player_location') == 'top' )
               $content = $this->shortcode(array('format'=>'video'), trim($enclosure_value[0])) . $content;
               $content .= $this->shortcode(array('format'=>'video'), trim($enclosure_value[0]));
      return $content;
    * Checks for the excerpt
   function checkExcerpt($content)
      global $podcasting_excerpt_check;
      $podcasting_excerpt_check = true;
      return $content;

# Start the player
$podcasting_player = new PodcastingPlayer();


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Here's line 213-215


# Don't automatically add the player if the page is a feed, the player has already been added, or the user has the automatic player option disabled
	if ( is_feed() || $this->_playerAdded[$post->ID] || get_option('pod_player_location') == '' )
		return $content;

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