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php & Javascript


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Most people have JavaScript enabled, so I doubt it would be an issue.  However, typically one should avoid using JS unless it actually adds a significant amount of user friendliness to a page.



Instead of checking if JS is disabled or not, what you would want to do is code your website to work with or without JS, but sometimes that's not an option.  I could talk more on this, but I'm feeling quite lazy, so if you don't know what I mean, I'll try to explain more.


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As corbin touched upon, I would avoid using JavaScript in scenarios where the same effects can be reached with other means. There are many basic tasks like image pre-loading, changing images onhover, etc.. that are often done in JavaScript that can all be done through CSS. In those cases it's not necessary to use JavaScript and definitely a better idea to use CSS. Even though the user base that doesn't support JavaScript is fairly small at the time why risk the chance of losing even a single visitor if it's not necessary.


But in the more likely case that you're using more involved JavaScript whose effects can't be achieved by other means, it's always a good idea to adhere to the ideas of Graceful Degradation and provide and alternate route to those users who may not support JavaScript.

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But in the more likely case that you're using more involved JavaScript whose effects can't be achieved by other means, it's always a good idea to adhere to the ideas of Graceful Degradation and provide and alternate route to those users who may not support JavaScript.


Progressive enhancement is better. That way you don't have to treat anyone as second-class citizens on your website. It's also easier accomplishing, IMO.

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