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ie6 says done but blank page


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The site i have nearly finished generates each page via php. Everything works spot on in every browser... except ie6. For some reason, every time ie6 tries to load a page, when it says done it is showing a blank page. When i then press refresh it will then show the content.


Having searched around for a bit, google hasn't really shown me much to go on and i found a thread with similar problems on here:



I'm sure this must be standard type of problem but i guess i'm just searching/asking the wrong questions.


All my pages doc types:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


One result from google suggested messing around with the program settings. However ie6 loads other websites fine:



A lot of people on google searches say that ie6 is just buggy...etc. But again:ie6 loads other websites fine



Any help here would be very much appreciated

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Sorry I didn't see your reply till now. The fault existed on a slower internet connection (a usb dongle). I can't check to see if the source was being produced until this evening again.


I've just checked to see if the fault still exists at my office computer in ie6. It doesn't. The differences there are:

Office comp has 6mb broadband connection against .5mb broadband connection on the dongle


Both comps have the same volume licence of XP and the same version (exactly) of ie6.


I could put some meta refresh tags in the header but there are pages in the site where this would cause constant annoyances and problems.






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OK having tested for the fault again on the slower internet connection:


When I click view source in ie6 I get nothing. Another thing I have noticed is that the address in the url doesn't change either.


This evening the speed of the dongle was exceptionally slow so i tested for the same fault in ff, and it did indeed occur there.


Its as if the browser clears the page ready for the new page, nothing is returned from the server and after a short while the browser thinks it has everything but nothing shows.


I've noticed that sometimes on this site when using the dongle i get a message saying "invalid response". I'm geussing that this message is in place of a blank page?

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