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Hello, i am newbie at PHP codes and i need help little! How to limit of chars of song? I uploaud an images and post php code!


		$fp_data = ereg_replace("^.*<body>","",$fp_data); 
	$fp_data = ereg_replace("</body>.*","",$fp_data); 

	list($currentlisteners,$status,$peak,$max,$reported,$bit,$song) = explode(",", $fp_data, 7);

	if($showsong == '1')
		$stationinfo = '   '.$currentsong.' '.$song.'  ';

	if($showlisteners == '1')
		$stationinfo = $stationinfo.'   '.$currentlisteners.' of '.$peak.' '.$listenerlabel.'  ';

// Include the layout for display


Thank you!


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No it not help, because song not showing generally!

Here is full php code:

* NGS Shoutcast - A Joomla internet radio module
* @version 1.1.0
* @package mod_ngs_shoutcast.zip
* @copyright (C)2009 by Steve Williams.  (C)2007 by Silent Joe.

// Don't allow direct acces to the file
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

// Get parameters from module configuration
$stationname = $params->get( 'stationname', 'Station Name' );
$prihost = $params->get('prihost');
$priport = $params->get('priport');
$sechost = $params->get('sechost');
$secport = $params->get('secport');
$priwmsmp = $params->get('priwmsmp');
$secwmsmp = $params->get('secwmsmp');
$priname = $params->get('priname');
$secname = $params->get('secname');
$currentsong = $params->get('currentsong');
$listenerlabel = $params->get('listeners');
$showsong = $params->get('showsong');
$showlisteners = $params->get('showlisteners');
$showname = $params->get('showname');
$showthreed = $params->get('showthreed');
$playlistmode = $params->get('playlistmode');

$modulepath = './modules/mod_ngs_shoutcast/';

// if windows mountpoints are not defined, build a playlist for shoutcast in ASX format
// if (empty($wmsfastmp)) {
//$wmsfastmp = $modulepath.'makeplaylist.php?ip='.$fasthost.'&port='.$fastport.'&format=ASX';
//if (empty($wmsslowmp)) {
//$wmsslowmp = $modulepath.'makeplaylist.php?ip='.$slowhost.'&port='.$slowport.'&format=ASX';

if($sechost > '')
if( $playlistmode == "0") {
	if(empty($priwmsmp)) {
		$wmslink = $modulepath.'dualplaylist.php?priip='.$prihost.'&priport='.$priport.'&secip='.$sechost.'&secport='.$secport.'&format=ASX';
	} else {
		$wmslink = $priwmsmp;
	$winamplink = $modulepath.'dualplaylist.php?priip='.$prihost.'&priport='.$priport.'&secip='.$sechost.'&secport='.$secport.'&format=PLS';
	$ituneslink = $modulepath.'dualplaylist.php?priip='.$prihost.'&priport='.$priport.'&secip='.$sechost.'&secport='.$secport.'&format=M3U';
	$realplayerlink = $modulepath.'dualplaylist.php?priip='.$prihost.'&priport='.$priport.'&secip='.$sechost.'&secport='.$secport.'&format=RAM';
} else {
	if(empty($priwmsmp)) {
		$priwmslink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=ASX';
	} else {
		$priwmslink = $priwmsmp;
	$priwinamplink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=PLS';
	$priituneslink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=M3U';
	$prirealplayerlink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=RAM';

	if(empty($secwmsmp)) {
		$secwmslink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$sechost.'&port='.$secport.'&format=ASX';
	} else {
		$secwmslink = $secwmsmp;
	$secwinamplink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$sechost.'&port='.$secport.'&format=PLS';
	$secituneslink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$sechost.'&port='.$secport.'&format=M3U';
	$secrealplayerlink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$sechost.'&port='.$secport.'&format=RAM';
} else {
if(empty($priwmsmp)) {
	$wmslink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=ASX';
} else {
	$wmslink = $priwmsmp;
$winamplink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=PLS';
$ituneslink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=M3U';
$realplayerlink = $modulepath.'singleplaylist.php?ip='.$prihost.'&port='.$priport.'&format=RAM';

if ($showthreed == '1') {
$winampimage = $modulepath.'images/winamp3d.gif';
$itunesimage = $modulepath.'images/itunes3d.gif';
$realplayerimage = $modulepath.'images/realplayer3d.gif';
$wmplayerimage = $modulepath.'images/wmplayer3d.gif';
} else {
$winampimage = $modulepath.'images/winamp.gif';
$itunesimage = $modulepath.'images/itunes.gif';
$realplayerimage = $modulepath.'images/realplayer.gif';
$wmplayerimage = $modulepath.'images/wmplayer.gif';

$stationinfo = '';

if ($showsong == '1' OR $showlisteners == '1') {

if (!$fp && $sechost > '') 

if(!$fp) {
	$stationinfo = '$errstr: $errno'; 
} else {
	fputs($fp,"GET /7 HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:Mozilla\n\n");
	for($i=0; $i<1; $i++) { 
		if(feof($fp)) break; 

	$fp_data = ereg_replace("^.*<body>","",$fp_data); 
	$fp_data = ereg_replace("</body>.*","",$fp_data); 

	list($currentlisteners,$status,$peak,$max,$reported,$bit,$song) = explode(",", $fp_data, 7);

	if($showsong == '1')
		$stationinfo = '   '.$currentsong.' '.$song.'  ';

	if($showlisteners == '1')
		$stationinfo = $stationinfo.'   '.$currentlisteners.' of '.$peak.' '.$listenerlabel.'  ';

// Include the layout for display

oh no it showing, but not help :(

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None of that code actually displays anything. You need to find the code that displays the part that's too long, and use the substr() function there.

Maybe in this php file?

// Make a playlist given IP, port, and format
// format paramaters can be either ASX, PLS, M3U, RAM
// Call file like so:
// /singleplaylist.php?ip=
// Author: Joseph Geyer
// Email: [email protected]
// (Originally titled makelist.php)

$ip = $_GET['ip'];
$port = $_GET['port'];
$format = $_GET['format'];

$ip = strip_tags($ip);
$port = strip_tags($port);
$format = strip_tags($format);

switch($format) {
  case 'ASX': // show ASX output
         header('Content-Type: video/x-ms-asf; name="playlist.asx"');
 	 header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="playlist.asx"');
         echo "<ASX version = \"3.0\">\r\n<Entry>\r\n";
         echo "<REF HREF=\"http://$ip:$port/\" />\r\n";
         echo "</Entry>\r\n</ASX>\r\n";
  case 'M3U': // show M3U output
         header('Content-Type: audio/mpegurl; name="playlist.m3u"');
 header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="playlist.m3u"');
         echo "#EXTM3U\r\n";
         echo "#EXTINF:-1,Live Station\r\n";
         echo "http://$ip:$port/\r\n";
  case 'PLS': // show PLS output
         header('Content-Type: audio/x-scpls; name="playlist.pls"');
 header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="playlist.pls"');
         echo "[playlist]\r\n";
         echo "NumberOfEntries=1\r\n";
         echo "File1=http://$ip:$port\r\n";
         echo "Version=2";
case 'RAM': // show RAM output
         header('Content-Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio; name="playlist.ram"');
 header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="playlist.ram"');
         echo "http://$ip:$port/\r\n";
  default: // no playlist format selected
      echo 'No playlist selected';

or in this maybe?


// Prevent direct access of this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

<?php if ($showname == '1') { ?>
<font color="Lightyellow" face="verdana" size="5"><b> <?php echo $stationname ?></b></font>
<?php } ?>

<?php if( $sechost > '' AND $playlistmode == "1") { ?>
<b><?php echo $priname ?>
<a href="<?php echo $priwmslink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $wmplayerimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with Window Media Player" />
<a href="<?php echo $priwinamplink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $winampimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with Winamp" />
<a href="<?php echo $priituneslink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $itunesimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with iTunes" />
<a href="<?php echo $prirealplayerlink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $realplayerimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with RealPlayer" />

<b><?php echo $secname ?>
<a href="<?php echo $secwmslink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $wmplayerimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with Window Media Player" />
<a href="<?php echo $secwinamplink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $winampimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with Winamp" />
<a href="<?php echo $secituneslink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $itunesimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with iTunes" />
<a href="<?php echo $secrealplayerlink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $realplayerimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with RealPlayer" />
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $wmslink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $wmplayerimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with Window Media Player" />
<a href="<?php echo $winamplink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $winampimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with Winamp" />
<a href="<?php echo $ituneslink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $itunesimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with iTunes" />
<a href="<?php echo $realplayerlink ?>">
	<img src="<?php echo $realplayerimage ?>" border=0 alt="listen with RealPlayer" />
<?php } ?>
echo $stationinfo;

Thank you in an advance!

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