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array help


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A bit more help needed...


I have a table with a column called date. Dates in this column are in the format MonthDay, examples: Jan31, Feb2, Apr9, Jul27.


I need to query the table for all dates in a month to get an array that looks like this:


$events = array(1,7,8,17,18,23);


So far I have:


$month='Feb'; (or whatever month is given to the variable)

$query = "SELECT date FROM table WHERE date LIKE '$month%'";

$events = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo substr($row['date'], 3) . ',';





This echos the results with a comma, but there is a trailing comma which is not needed, and also I am trying to force this into an array, but I think there must be a more natural way of retrieving this array.


Basically the rest of my script works well if it is given an array like this:

$events = array(1,7,8,17,18,23);


Any help appreciated.



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You need to put it in an array I think, not display it as something that looks like an array declaration


$month='Feb'; (or whatever month is given to the variable)
$DaysRequiredArray = array();
$query = "SELECT date FROM table WHERE date LIKE '$month%'";
$events = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
$DaysRequiredArray = substr($row['date'], 3);

All the best


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Thanks for your help kickstart - i get query errors using your code though.


Definitely understand that I don't want to just arrange the pieces of an array, but need the final array to provide be a line of php like:


$events = array(1,7,8,17,18,23);


Because the rest of my code works when i replace my query with this line (simply telling the script the numbers/dates that events exist)


I'll keep playing around an if you have any ideas please share.

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$query = "SELECT date FROM table WHERE date LIKE '$month%'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$events = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   $events[] = substr($row['date'], 3);
echo implode(',', $events);



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I'll keep playing around an if you have any ideas please share.




I just missed out [] when adding to the array in the loop. Changing the array name to events


$month='Feb'; (or whatever month is given to the variable)
$events = array();
$query = "SELECT date FROM table WHERE date LIKE '$month%'";
$EventCursor = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
$events = substr($row['date'], 3);


That will give you an array called $events which contains the list of days.


All the best



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Thanks AC


everyone's been so helpful getting me up to the point that the array is working along with the rest of the script.


Just a minor thing to deal with now that the rest of the script is missing the first date off in the stuff it does.

It seems that I need to explicitly put a zero at the start of the array:


example: $events = array(0,1,7,8,17,18,23);


Just not sure how.

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Thanks Keith but for some reason unless i explicitly include a zero, the rest of the script is missing off the first entry in the array!?


Sorry, get what you mean now. I thought you meant an array where the first index was 0 (which is the default) whereas what you wanted was the first element of the array to have a value of 0.


All the best



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