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Question regarding fasthosts and mod-rewrite


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Hi, just a quick question,

I phoned fast hosts and they told me i wont be able to get mod-rewrite working as my hostin is on a windows developer package, and that i need to switch to linux.


Just a quick question if anyone knows is this fact or am i being fobbed off as i have done in the past .


kind regards



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mod rewrite is an apache module and I'm quite certain it is not OS Specific, you shouldn't have a problem enabling it.. Your web hosting is PROBABLY giving you this excuse because they have the hosting accounts structured in a way that they all share the same web service or something.. although I don't see why it would be a bad idea to have mod rewrite working for all of them, its such an awesome feature :)


anywya, my advice to you: change webhosts they're jerkin you around

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The mod_rewrite package is capable of working on the Windows platform just fine, I use it on my localhost (Windows 7, previously Windows XP). It does indeed sound like they are jerking you around. The thing I don't understand though, is the fact that most hosting companies charge extra for windows based services due to licensing costs, thus they are almost asking you to downgrade, which sounds a little strange. Perhaps it is a limitation in the way they have things set up, but it's certainly not a limitation which stems purely from a windows based server.

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If your hosting package is a 'windows developer' package chances are high that your site is hosted on IIS, not Apache.


IIS does not natively support .htaccess files, and hasn't had a native rewrite engine until version 7.


You need to check what server your using, not what OS. This information is easily available via phpinfo.

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