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Right, I'll drop you straight in it. I have about 2000 .txt files that look like the below code

$music = $_GET['send'];

if (strpos($music, "2diealbum1"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum1.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Paranoid Entity";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum2"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum2.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Hell On Earth";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum3"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum3.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Im Ok";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum4"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum4.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Reminissin";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum5"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum5.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Listen To Your Heart";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum6"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum6.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Take It Slow";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum7"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum7.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Do Ya Like That";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum8"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum8.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Just The Begining";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbum9"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum9.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Put Em Down";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbuma"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbuma.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Earths Condition";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumb"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumb.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - By My Side";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumc"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumc.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - I Needed You";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumd"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumd.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Its Ok To Cry";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbume"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbume.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Easy Lover";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumf"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumf.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Throw It Up";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumg"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumg.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Me In General";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumh"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumh.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Catch A Breath";

else if (strpos($music, "2diealbumi"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumi.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - It Aint Easy";

else  if (strpos($music, "2diealbumplay")) {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumplay.wax";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Complete Album";


I am going to create a script that will loop and read in the entire contents of each .txt file

Then, I need to dig out the following information from each else if. Ive put the information I need in BOLD

else if (strpos($music, "[b]2diealbumi[/b]"))  {
$song = "[b]2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbumi.wma[/b]";
$songdisplay = "[b]2die4 - It Aint Easy[/b]";

What is the best way to do this. Its a bit messy but how would you do it?

P.S, its not the loop on stuck with, its the handling of the data
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if (strpos($music, "2diealbum1"))  {
$song = "2diealbum/songs/2diealbum/2diealbum1.wma";
$songdisplay = "2die4 - Paranoid Entity";

If it's garaunteed that the data you need is [b]always[/b] enclosed in double quotes and that it [b]always[/b] appears in that order, you can follow this algorithm:

1) Open file
2) Using a regular expression, fill an array with all data enclosed in double quotes only
3) With the array
  a) Starting at index 0, every third element comes from the line containing [b]strpos[/b]
  b) Starting at index 1, every third element comes from the line containing [b]$song =[/b]
  c) Starting at index 2, every third element comes from the line containing [b]$songdisplay =[/b]

All it takes is for one body of the if / else if construct to assign variables out of order to ruin that approach though.
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