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I want to introduce you all to a new project im working on.

Its a forum software package like phpbb where you can download the files and install your own customizable forum.


I havent done much yet i have only added the basic of features and havent really bothered with the layout, but you can go there now and share ideas and your crits.


Okay in order to help development i am going to list things that work, things that dont work and things that i know need improving. Therefore if you see an error or think something can be different you can see if i already know about it.


Things that work:


Post new Thread

View Forums



Post reply

Style Switcher

some bbcode

email confirmation


Dont work:


Various navigation links

Birthdays display

Board Stats

some bbcode


Needs improving:




layout on all pages except index



Still to come:


Admin Centre

User Centre

PM System

Search Function

more templates

bigger language support


I will add more to this list when neccesary.



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

since i started this topic ASF has undergone a ton of changes. You can see the new changes here:




I have started from scratch so these are the only pages that work:


the main index page

the topic viewing page


i also have the register page and login pages done but they arent formatted properly.



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What are you wanting a critique on exactly? The design and functionality as you say are incomplete.  I've seen several posts about this ASF forum before, and it seems a waste of people's time to keep requesting critiques on something you're only going to scrap and restart again in a couple of months.


Perhaps wait until you're at some form of alpha/beta release before you request a critique?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, its been a while but im at the alpha release of ASF. The core structure works and the template is the way it is going to stay. You can post topics or reply to topics, register, login, change some profile options, view other peoples profiles, add attachments. I would now like some crits please. These could be regarding features(current and new) or something to do with the look and feel of the site. Im now focusing on the user center more in hopes to have it finished in a few days.


let me know what you think.

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ill see whats up with the activation, thanks for letting me know. As for uploading to github is that an SVN thing? because i tried uploading to googlecode that way and couldnt figure it out lol.


Yes it's similar to googlecode or sourceforge.net.  It just happens to use Git as the source code mgmt system.

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I am now taking feature requests so if you have any please let me know. I am going to start working on a PM system and maybe my own texteditor. Then after i fix a few small bugs in the main programming i will be moving on to the admin center and finally the install wizard. Then it will be a fully fledged beta release.

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When i clicked "Quick reply" I got a blank page with this message (I'm not registered there, so maybe hide the QR section from people who's not signed in)

array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "42S02" [1]=> int(1146) [2]=> string(57) "Table 'asf_forum.asf_attachment_extensions' doesn't exist" } 


Also there's a design flaw when reading posts.. it's the right horisontal on the current posts and the left horisontal line on recent posts..

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the missing table error has been fixed. Thanks for letting me know.



Also there's a design flaw when reading posts.. it's the right horisontal on the current posts and the left horisontal line on recent posts..


Im not sure i know what you mean.

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I have decided to discontinue working on ASF and as such have deleted all files regarding it. It has taken far too long to get to this stage and when you can't make an attachment system then theres no hope for the rest of the project. Thanks for the help and support but ASF will not be coming back. The git hub repo has been emptied as have the files on the server and my local server.

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well i partly regret doing so but i couldnt go any further without solving the problems it had. And i couldnt find the help. It proved too much for one man to do alone lol. Thanks for the replies. I didnt know people were actually following ASF.

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since i am regretting this deletion i decided to see if i could find a way to retrieve the deleted files. fortunatly github allows you to see the files from previous commits so i now have the files back(minus the few config files). now i face the conundrum. Should i continue with ASF? if i do then im going to need help with it. It proved too much work for just one person to do. Look at phpbb or mybb, they have a team of staff developing it and a huge following. So without help and support i cannot continue with this. That being said, who is willing to help or support this project? I thought i could just give it up but that was easier said than done. if i get support and help then i guarantee i will see this project through to the end. Thats one of the reasons i gave it up, because i was doing it by myself with minimum support from people.


*support = testing, bug finding, coding, the occasional compliment lol.


Thanks for your time.

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My two cents for you would be to not have any deadlines. Work on it when you can and feel like. Build it slow and steady without expecting to be at the same stage as any well established system right away. I don't know how forum systems like phpBB was started out, but I know that alot of big projects starts out with one guy, then people finds the project interesting and joins up, that way they are slowly building a development team. If I had time I would help you out, but as for now I've only got time for my own project and my family. I registered on you forum and did some looking around, and I really liked what I saw. Tons of potential, and I would agree with PaulRyan, it would really be a shame watching you just throw all that hard work away

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thanks for the reply zac, i have decided to slowly give it another shot. I didnt realise how many people knew about ASF. Im not in this to be competing with other forums(not yet anyway) and only started this as a training thing. but keeping away from this has proven harder than i thought and with time(and patience) i know i can make it work. As far as helping goes, even people having a look at the forum once in a while and letting me know what they think is good it itself. Atleast if i know people are interested and following it will give me the motivation to keep at it.



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