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Update with subquery - error returns more that one row


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I have 2 tables described below. I am trying to take latitude and longitude from table B and update table A. I could just use table B but it is huge, 1Mil+ records and even though indexed, queries are slow.


Table A: (cityzip)


ID | zip_code |      city | state | latitude | longitude


1  | 30281    | Atlanta | GA    |              |




Table B: (ip_geolocation)

goecode_id | ip | country_code | country_name | region_name | city | postal_code | latitude | longitude


0                | 555555555 | USA                | United States | GA                  | Atlanta | 30281 | 34.000 | -45.099




UPDATE  `cityzip` AS a
SET `latitude` = (SELECT DISTINCT `latitude` 
                  FROM `ip_geolocation`
                  WHERE UPPER(`city`)              = UPPER(a.`city`)
                  AND   UPPER(`region_name`) = UPPER(a.`state`))
WHERE a.`latitude` = '';

Error #1242 - Subquery returns more than 1 row

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DISTINCT just means you will not get any duplicate rows; it does not mean you will only get a single row. If you are getting more than one row in the subquery with a DISTINCT, then there are DIFFERENT latitude values for that City/State combination.


You might try doing a JOIN instead of a subquery; of course, the latitude/longitude that you get will be randomly selected from the multiple entries in the second table.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I actually downloaded a free zip code list and don't want to pay for a list just to have the lat and lon. I will try a join and if this does not work, I will copy table 2 and remove unneeded columns.

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I got it working using the following. Although I have to go state by state to keep the query from timing out.


UPDATE  `cityzip` AS a
SET `latitude` = (SELECT DISTINCT `latitude` 
                            FROM `ip_geolocation`
                            WHERE UPPER(`city`)              = UPPER(a.`city`)
                            AND   UPPER(`region_name_short`) = UPPER(a.`state`) limit 1)
WHERE a.`state` = 'AK'
AND   a.`latitude` = '';

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