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Excellent advice gents - I was hoping for a little more than "yes this can be done" :D.

I'll clarify it a little better, I was probably a little vague: all I want to do is when the submit button is clicked it inserts a record into the database and email some information. How can this be done.

Or would I do it by updating the database within the mail script the form action sends to.

Any help anyone can give me is always greatly appreciated.
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"Or would I do it by updating the database within the mail script the form action sends to."

exactly.  you can do as many operations as you'd like on the action page; i'd suggest updating the database first, and then mailing the information.
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$company = $_POST['Company'];
$first = $_POST['FirstName'];
$last = $_POST['LastName'];
$event = $_POST['Event'];
$price = $_POST['Price'];

// Grab our config settings

// Grab the FreakMailer class

// instantiate the class
$mailer = new FreakMailer();

// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = 'This is a test';


// Send the E-Mail
// Body
$mailer->Body = '<img src="http://www.womeninbusiness.co.uk/images/WIBsphere.jpg" alt="WIB logo" /><br />

<h2>WIB HTML test</h2>
<p>Visit us <a href="http://www.womeninbusiness.co.uk" title="Women In Business">Women In Business.co.uk</a> for a loving community!</p>
<?php "Dear ". $first. "<br/>";?>
Shauns Web test </p>';

// Add an address to send to.
$mailer->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'shaun');
$mailer->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Darren');

  echo 'There was a problem sending this mail!';
  echo 'Mail sent!';

The bit I can't get to display is the <?php "Dear ". $first. "<br/>";?>

Any ideas?
Any help is always greatly appreciated
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[code]<?php require_once('../../Connections/Conn1.php'); ?>
mysql_select_db($database_Conn1, $Conn1);
$query_UpdateCustInfo = "SELECT * FROM Customer";
$UpdateCustInfo = mysql_query($query_UpdateCustInfo, $Conn1) or die(mysql_error());
$row_UpdateCustInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($UpdateCustInfo);
$totalRows_UpdateCustInfo = mysql_num_rows($UpdateCustInfo);

$company = $_POST['Company'];
$first = $_POST['FirstName'];
$last = $_POST['LastName'];
$event = $_POST['Event'];
$price = $_POST['Price'];

mysql_query("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (Company, `First Name`, `Last Name`, Event, price) VALUES ('$Company', '$first', '$last', '$event', '$price')");

// Grab our config settings

// Grab the FreakMailer class

// instantiate the class
$mailer = new FreakMailer();

// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = 'This is a test';


// Send the E-Mail
// Body
$mailer->Body = '<img src="http://www.womeninbusiness.co.uk/images/WIBsphere.jpg" alt="WIB logo" /><br />

<h2>WIB HTML test</h2>
<p>Visit us <a href="http://www.womeninbusiness.co.uk" title="Women In Business">Women In Business.co.uk</a> for a loving community!</p>
<?php "Dear ". $first. "<br/>";?>

Shauns Web test </p>';

// Add an address to send to.
$mailer->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'shaun');
$mailer->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Darren');

  echo 'There was a problem sending this mail!';
  echo 'Mail sent!';

I've also included a copy of the code to show the update record query, thats not working either, DOH!

Any help anyone can give me on that as well would be awesome. Cheers everyone!
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Cheers for the help, I made the suggested change but this time nothing happened, the email came through but the php variable didn't come through. doh!

I still cant get it to update the table either.

Sorry to be a pain, but if anyone can shed any light on this it would be quality.
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Its simple. Your making the mail into the $mailer->Body so all behind the = sign must be in either ' and end in ' or " and end in ". So when you want to add the Dear at the end you should get ride of the <?php sign and the " and have something like this.

</p>Dear '. $first. '<br/>';

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That worked - you are a legend! Thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions, this is a bit of a learning curve for me, so all of your advice is greatly appreciated.

Now I know I'm pushing my luck here - but has anyone any ideas why the insert record query at the top isn't doin anything?


Liverpool Eskimo
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if this is the one your starting with a select statment instead of an update statement.
$query_UpdateCustInfo = "SELECT * FROM Customer";
$UpdateCustInfo = mysql_query($query_UpdateCustInfo, $Conn1) or die(mysql_error());

if you want more help on this start a new post all these pages take time to view
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