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Does an Oject dump exist in JavaScript.


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Hello again,


Just a quick and hopefully simple question in regards to Objects.


Is there a way to get an object to show all of its properties and methods?


For an example lets use the form object.

How do I get the form object to show all of it's properties and methods?

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If you use Firebug, you can view a tree-menu style list of an object, plus it's children and parents, by adding a 'watch expression'.


Assuming you have it installed, open it on the page you wish to debug and select the 'Script' tab. In the left panel you'll see the JavaScript for that page, and within in the left margin of that panel, on the line containing a reference to the object, click in the left margin and a red dot should be appear. Run the code again, either by refreshing or calling the event that triggers the code, and in the right panel you should see the object.


It's not the most straight-forward tool to use, but it means you don't have to add debug functions or output to find the problem.

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