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Fatal error experienced after converting to PHP5 from PHP4

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I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out with this issue. I converted to PHP5 from PHP4 and found there are new stricter methods to handle calls and queries.

When I try to logon to my system to access my database I receive the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::setPageContent() in /usr/share/calltracker/includes/functions.php on line 402

Here is the code specific to that section in functions.php:

400 # First set the page content array entry
402 $result->setPageContent();
404 # Get the page navigation function
406 $result->parameters["SMALL_NAV"] = admin_page_navigation();
407 $result->parameters["NAV_TREE"] = admin_page_navigation("tree");
408 $result->parameters["USER_NAVBAR"] = user_page_navigation();
409 $result->parameters["VERSION"] = EP_VERSION;
410 $result->parameters["SCRIPT_NAME"] = EP_SCRIPT_NAME;
411 $result->parameters["COPYRIGHT"] = COPYRIGHT;
412 $result->parameters["NUMQUERIES"] = count($db->queries);
414 # Set the template to the configured value
416 if($result->template == "") { $result->template = $CONF['template']; }
418 if($result->no_cache == 1)
419 {
420 $result->html = $GLOBALS['reg'];
421 }
422 else
423 {
424 # Import the template code
426 $result->html = implode(file($result->template),"");
427 }
429 # Replace every tag in the template
430 # with its entry in the parameters
431 # array
433 foreach($result->parameters as $key => $value)
434 {
436 $result->tag = '{' . "$key" . '}';
438 if($key != "PAGE_CONTENT")
439 {
440 $result->html = str_replace($result->tag,$value,$result->html);
441 }
443 }
445 $result->html = str_replace("{PAGE_CONTENT}", $result->parameters["PAGE_CONTENT"], $result->html);
447 # Output the created HTML code
449 echo($result->html);
451 }
453 # This function will set a value in the parameters
454 # array
456 function setParameter($name,$value) {
458 $result->parameters[$name] = $value;
460 }
462 # This concludes the template object
464 }

No problems are experienced when using PHP4.3.x

Note**: The variable $result has replaced the accepted variable function $this as $this has been discontinued in version 5 and support is no longer offered.

Thanks for any help offered.
[quote author=jmosher link=topic=109235.msg440152#msg440152 date=1159057811]
... as $this has been discontinued in version 5 and support is no longer offered.

And there's me using $this with version 5 classes with no problems. They obviously forgot to to include me in the circulation list when that memo went out.
[quote]Note**: The variable $result has replaced the accepted variable function $this as $this has been discontinued in version 5 and support is no longer offered.[/quote]
Huh! I agree with Barand here. $this has not been discontinued from PHP5. If it has the documentation would reflect this and my OO programmed scripts will fail work. Where did you get that from?
Hi Guys,

What I did was roll back as per your notion support for $this has not been dropped and this is the original error received:

Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /usr/share/calltracker/includes/functions.php on line 964

Here is the code snippet for the function having a problem.

946 //--------------------------------------------------------+
    947 // Admin table heading output                            |
    948 //--------------------------------------------------------+
    950 function admin_table_heading( $title="" ) {
    952        global $template, $CONF;
    954        //--------------------------------
    955        // If this has not yet been loaded,
    956        // load it and cache it.
    958        if(!isset($GLOBALS['table_header_html']))
    959        #{
    960                #$lines = implode( file("../includes/admin_skins/".$CONF['admin_template']."/table-heading.inc"), "");
    961                #$GLOBALS['table_header_html'] = $lines;
    962        #}
    964        $this = str_replace("{TITLE}", $title, $GLOBALS['table_header_html']);
    966        output( $this );
    968        unset($this);
    970          output( "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #1B95CE\">
    971                <tr><td width=20><img src=../images/general/table-topleft.jpg></td>
    972                    <td background=../images/general/table-toptile.jpg height=21><table width=100%
    973                cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><font color=white><b> " . $title . "</b></font></td></tr></table></td><td width=20><img src=../im        ages/general/table-topright.jpg></td>
    974                </tr>");
    976 }

The original error I posted was produced following these changes -

Updating $this to $result as per this php page indicating that the $this variable was an undocumented feature that was never to be supported and officially dropped in version 5:

Setting these functions to array functions, which are now required based on the way php5 parses the information.
<              mysql_close($this->connection);
>              @mysql_close($result->connection);
<              return mysql_insert_id();
>              return @mysql_insert_id();
<              return mysql_error();
>              return @mysql_error();

So now I'm at the original start point with no applied changes and I'm hoping you could help.

As $this refers to the current object, you can hardly be surprised when it objects to being reassigned as a string variable in

964        $this = str_replace("{TITLE}", $title, $GLOBALS['table_header_html']);

Even trying to assign another object to $this seems to me to be the programming equivalent of sitting on a branch and sawing it off at the trunk.
[quote author=Barand link=topic=109235.msg440555#msg440555 date=1159139625]... seems to me to be the programming equivalent of sitting on a branch and sawing it off at the trunk.[/quote]

Several cheers for great analogies. Hipy papy bthuthdth thuthda bthuthdy!

And to fix your problem:

Lines 964 to 968
[code]$this = str_replace("{TITLE}", $title, $GLOBALS['table_header_html']);

output( $this );


Replace $this with anything.

[code]$result = str_replace("{TITLE}", $title, $GLOBALS['table_header_html']);



Replace $result with your favorite variable.
What are you insinuating by such a comment? I thought I put my last response in pretty clear straight forward terms.

Surely.. if you've written the code you've posted your aware of what the error supersor (@) is and does. And, one would also assume that if your using classes you should have the ability to create your own error handling / trapping. If this isn't your code youve posted, then Im sorry, but you gave the impression you knew what you where talking about.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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