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Webpage where you need to register and login before you can PURCHASE my product.

1st step: Register

step2: Login

Step3: Buy the Item.

After registration, I use the meta refresh to goto Login.php

Enter the user and password. My form gets processed and it stops at Login_Success.php where you must click on "CONTINUE". When I click continue, the correct page appear BUT it refresh itself every 5 seconds  :wtf:

I will add the code, it's a bit messy but here is


<?php          //hierdie kom in elke page wat net deur members gesien mag word
{echo 'Please Login or Register';}


<h1> </h1>
<p>Login Successful</p>
<p><a href="buynow.php"><input type="button" value="Continue"></a></p>

This the page to make the purchase. It is a form that will send mail with the order details... No money or transactions here


<?php          //hierdie kom in elke page wat net deur members gesien mag word
{echo 'Please Login or Register';}

require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/buy/form.lib.php' );
function phpfmg_form( $sErr = false ){
        $style=" class='form_text' ";

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" >
<title>Pharmacy.za.org - Order Form</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" >
<style type="text/css">
.style2 {
                text-align: center;

<!-- MYNE -->

    margin-left: 18px;
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    font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size : 13px;
    color : #474747;
    background-color: transparent;
select, option{


ol.phpfmg_form li{
    /*width: 100%*/

.form_field, .form_required{
    font-weight : bold;

.col_field {
    margin:0 0 0 0;

    padding-top: 3px;

.text_box, .text_area, .text_select {


    font-weight: bold;
    color: red;

    background-color: #F4F6E5;
    border: 1px dashed #ff0000;
    padding: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;

    background-color: #F4F6E5;
    border-bottom: 1px dashed #ff0000;

    color: red;

    color: #ccc;


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<h1>Pharmacy<span class="red">.za.org</span></h1>

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<p class="style2"><img SRC="images/Image1.jpg" WIDTH="214" HEIGHT="93" /></p>
<blockquote>Please complete the Order Form below.</blockquote>
<p style="text-align:center;">
<img src="images/bp.png" width="159" height="140" alt="MedSET BPM" title="MedSET BPM">  
<img src="images/oxy2.gif" height="140px" alt="MedSET Oxygen" title="MedSET Oxygen">  
<img src="images/meter3.gif" class="style2" alt="MedSET GCU" title="MedSET BP-202H" width="159" height="140">
<p> </p>

<!-- My form begin -->
<form name="frmFormMail" action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' onsubmit='return fmgHandler.onsubmit();'>
<input type='hidden' name='formmail_submit' value='Y'>
<div id='err_required' class="form_error" style='display:none;'>
    <label class='form_error_title'>Please check the required fields</label>
<ol class='phpfmg_form' style="width: 520px" >

<li class='field_block' id='field_0_div' style="width: 520px">
<div class='col_label' style="width: 520px">
    <label class='form_field'>Product</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <?php phpfmg_dropdown( 'field_0', "Please select|MedSET BP Monitor|MedSET Oxygen Concentrator|MedSET GCU 3-in-1", '' );?>
    <div id='field_0_tip' class='instruction'>Please select Product</div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_1_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Qty</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <input type="text" name="field_1"  id="field_1" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_1"); ?>" class='text_box'>
    <div id='field_1_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_2_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Entity</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <?php phpfmg_dropdown( 'field_2', "Please select|Individual|Company", '' );?>
    <div id='field_2_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_3_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Name</label> <label class='form_required' > </label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <input type="text" name="field_3"  id="field_3" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_3"); ?>" class='text_box'>
    <div id='field_3_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_4_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Company Name</label> <label class='form_required' >
     </label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <input type="text" name="field_4"  id="field_4" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_4"); ?>" class='text_box'>
    <div id='field_4_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_5_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>VAT no</label> <label class='form_required' > </label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <input type="text" name="field_5"  id="field_5" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_5"); ?>" class='text_box'>
    <div id='field_5_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_6_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Accept Terms</label> <label class='form_required' >
    *</label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <?php phpfmg_checkboxes( 'field_6', "Accept|Do NOT Accept" );?>
    <div id='field_6_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_7_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Spesial Instructions</label> <label class='form_required' >
     </label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <textarea name="field_7" id="field_7" rows=4 cols=25 class='text_area'><?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_7"); ?></textarea>

    <div id='field_7_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_8_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Delivery Address</label> <label class='form_required' >
    *</label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <textarea name="field_8" id="field_8" rows=4 cols=25 class='text_area'><?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_8"); ?></textarea>

    <div id='field_8_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_9_div'><div class='col_label'>
    <label class='form_field'>Contact Tel</label> <label class='form_required' >
    *</label> </div>
    <div class='col_field'>
    <input type="text" name="field_9"  id="field_9" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_9"); ?>" class='text_box'>
    <div id='field_9_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='phpfmg_captcha_div'>
    <div class='col_label'><label class='form_field'>Security Code:</label> <label class='form_required' >
                    *</label> </div><div class='col_field'>
    <?php phpfmg_show_captcha(); ?>

            <div class='col_label'> </div>
            <div class='form_submit_block col_field'>
                <input type='submit' value='Submit' class='form_button'>
                <span id='phpfmg_processing' style='display:none;'>
                    <img id='phpfmg_processing_gif' src='<?php echo PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL . '?mod=image&func=processing' ;?>' border=0 alt='Processing...'> <label id='phpfmg_processing_dots'></label>



<!-- Einde van MyForm -->
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© <?php echo date('Y');?> All Rights Reserved.</div>


Why does BUYNOW refresh every 5 odd seconds. I have noticed that if I press Esc it stops loading/refresh

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