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Little of JS and CSS


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Okay this deals with javascript and css so didn't know which to put it into but it looks like more people post/reply in here so this is what I went with. I had a data table with the same styling template file. However I wanted to implement a tablesorter and pagination plugin of jquery and did so successfully. I have a working version of both however I'm trying to figure out if I need to edit the contentpages.php page or the tablesorter_pager.js file.


My page (click on Content Pages under the Site Admin Heading on the left and view the data table in the content div on the right)



Template file



Content Page Code:

    // Include the database page
    include ('../inc/dbconfig.php');
    $query = "SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', firstname, lastname) AS name, DATE_FORMAT(contentpages.datecreated, '%M %d, %Y') AS datecreated, contentpages.id, contentpagename, contentpageshortname FROM contentpages, handlers WHERE handlers.id = contentpages.creator_id";
    $result = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $query ); // Run The Query
    $rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);

$itemsPerPage = 10;
$pages = ceil( $rows / $itemsPerPage );

   $(document).ready(function() {
        $('a', $('div#addform')).click(function() {
            $('#innerContent').load('forms/' + $(this).attr('id') + '.php');

	// Add the table sorter and table paginator plugins
    		.tablesorterPager( {
			container: $( '#contentPageList .paginate' ),
			cssPageLinks: 'a.pageLink'
		} ); 


<!-- Title -->
<div id="title" class="b2">
<h2>Content Pages</h2>
<!-- TitleActions -->
<div id="titleActions">
	<!-- ListSearch -->
	<div class="listSearch actionBlock">
		<div class="search">
			<label for="search">Content Pages</label>
			<input type="text" name="search" id="search" class="text" />
		<div class="submit">
			<button type="submit" id="search-button" class="button"><strong><img src="img/icons/search_48.png" alt="search" class="icon "/></strong></button>
	<!-- /ListSearch -->
	<!-- newPost -->
		<div id="addform" class="addNew actionBlock">
			<a href="#" id="contentpage" class="button"><strong>Add New Content Page<img src="img/icons/add_48.png" alt="add new" class="icon "/></strong></a>
	<!-- /newPost -->
<!-- /TitleActions -->
<!-- Title -->

<!-- Inner Content -->
<div id="innerContent">

<!-- ListHeader -->
<div id="listHeader">
	<p class="listInfos">
		You have <?php echo $rows; ?> content pages.
	<div class="listActions">
		<form action="" method="post">
			<label for="actionSelect">With selected items: </label>
			<select class="select" name="actionSelect" id="actionSelect">
			<button class="button small-button"><strong>Apply</strong></button>
<!-- /ListHeader -->

<!-- ListTable -->
<?php if ($rows > 0) { ?>
	<table cellspacing="0" class="listTable" id="contentPageList">
		<!-- Thead -->
				<th class="first"><div></div></th>
				<th><a href="#" title="Page Name">Page Name</a></th>
				<th><a href="#" title="Page Short Name">Page Short Name</a></th>
				<th><a href="#" title="Creator">Creator</a></th>
				<th class="last"><a href="#" title="Date Created">Date Created</a></th>
		<!-- /Thead -->

		<!-- Tfoot -->
				<td colspan="5">
					<div class="inner">
						<div class="paginate">
								if( $pages > 1 ) {
									for( $i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++ ) {
										echo '<span style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;"><a class="pageLink" href="#">' . $i . '</a></span>';
		<!-- /Tfoot -->

		<!-- Tbody -->
				while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) {
				  echo '
				  <td><input type=checkbox class=checkbox value="' . $row['id'] . '" /></td>
				  <td><a href=# title="' . $row['contentpagename'] . '">' . $row['contentpagename'] . '</a></td>
				  <td>' . $row['contentpageshortname'] . '</td>
				  <td>' . $row['name'] . '</td>
				  <td class=last>' . $row['datecreated'] . '</td>
		<!-- /Tbody -->
<?php } ?>
<!-- /ListTable -->

<!-- /Inner Content -->



(function($) {
	tablesorterPager: new function() {

		function updatePageDisplay(c) {
			var s = $(c.cssPageDisplay,c.container).val((c.page+1) + c.seperator + c.totalPages);	

		function setPageSize(table,size) {
			var c = table.config;
			c.size = size;
			c.totalPages = Math.ceil(c.totalRows / c.size);
			c.pagerPositionSet = false;

		function fixPosition(table) {
			var c = table.config;
			if(!c.pagerPositionSet && c.positionFixed) {
				var c = table.config, o = $(table);
				if(o.offset) {
						top: o.offset().top + o.height() + 'px',
						position: 'absolute'
				c.pagerPositionSet = true;

		function moveToFirstPage(table) {
			var c = table.config;
			c.page = 0;

		function moveToLastPage(table) {
			var c = table.config;
			c.page = (c.totalPages-1);

		function moveToNextPage(table) {
			var c = table.config;
			if(c.page >= (c.totalPages-1)) {
				c.page = (c.totalPages-1);

		function moveToPrevPage(table) {
			var c = table.config;
			if(c.page <= 0) {
				c.page = 0;

		function moveToPage(table) {
			var c = table.config;
			if(c.page < 0 || c.page > (c.totalPages-1)) {
				c.page = 0;

			renderTable(table, c.rowsCopy);

		function renderTable(table,rows) {
			var c = table.config;
			var l = rows.length;
			var s = (c.page * c.size);
			var e = (s + c.size);
			if(e > rows.length ) {
				e = rows.length;

			var tableBody = $(table.tBodies[0]);

			// clear the table body

			for(var i = s; i < e; i++) {

				var o = rows[i];
				var l = o.length;
				for(var j=0; j < l; j++) {

			if( c.page >= c.totalPages ) {

		this.appender = function(table,rows) {
			var c = table.config;

			c.rowsCopy = rows;
			c.totalRows = rows.length;
			c.totalPages = Math.ceil(c.totalRows / c.size);


		this.defaults = {
			size: 10,
			offset: 0,
			page: 0,
			totalRows: 0,
			totalPages: 0,
			container: null,
			cssNext: '.next',
			cssPrev: '.prev',
			cssFirst: '.first',
			cssLast: '.last',
			cssPageDisplay: '.pagedisplay',
			cssPageSize: '.pagesize',
			cssPageLinks: 'a.pageLink',  // extension setting
			seperator: "/",
			positionFixed: false,  // defaulting this to false.  original value is true.
			appender: this.appender

		this.construct = function(settings) {
			return this.each(function() {
				config = $.extend(this.config, $.tablesorterPager.defaults, settings);

				var table = this, 
				    pager = config.container;


				var $pageSizeEl = $( ".pagesize", pager );
				if( $pageSizeEl.length > 0 )
					config.size = parseInt( $pageSizeEl.val() );

				$(config.cssFirst,pager).click(function() {
					return false;
				$(config.cssNext,pager).click(function() {
					return false;
				$(config.cssPrev,pager).click(function() {
					return false;
				$(config.cssLast,pager).click(function() {
					return false;
				$(config.cssPageSize,pager).change(function() {
					return false;

				// Extension code
				$( config.cssPageLinks, pager ).first().parent().addClass( 'current' ); // add the "currently selected" class to the first link

				$( config.cssPageLinks, pager ).click( function() {
					var $el = $(this);

					// Remove the "current" (selected) class from all links,
					// and then add it to the one that was just clicked.
					$( config.cssPageLinks, pager ).parent().removeClass( 'current' );
					$el.parent().addClass( 'current' );

					table.config.page = parseInt( $el.html() ) - 1;
					moveToPage( table );

					return false;
				} );


// extend plugin scope
        tablesorterPager: $.tablesorterPager.construct


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