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Hello all,


Little bit of a rookie question here, but I'll ask anyway


I'm developing a PHP page under Apache on my local machine. I navigate to my page by going to: http://localhost/ or


However... if I go to my modem/router (i have an all-in-one) and get my exeternal IP (alternatively I can get from ipchicken.com, etc.) and try navigating to that by doing: http://<my-external-ip>/ then I do not get my webpage! Instead, my router's splash page comes up.


What am I doing wrong? Are there settings in Apache where I need to allow it to be viewable by public?




After the port forwarding, you may still get your router's splash page. That's only because you're accessing it locally (and the router has detected that) - people outside your network will see the website normally.

Ah, he went offline.


It's a router thing. Look around on the router's "site" for stuff to do with port forwarding. If you can't find anything, or don't understand what you found, ask Google for advice.


Also note that if you get this working, you may be violating your ISP's customer agreement.  Generally they don't allow the customers on "residential" connections to run a web server.




On that note, most ISP's block port 80 inbound anyway.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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