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I made a file for updating data.

I do get the id back from the view page, but not the variable.

What do I do wrong? I'm puzzling a few days, but just don't see it.


This my code:

// init
$msg = '';
$errorMsg = '';
$rep_id = array();
$componist = '';
$repertoire = '';
$titel = '';

$formOK= false;

// + + + + + + + +  GET + + + + + + + + 
if(isset($_GET['id'])) 	{
$rep_id = inputControl($_GET['id']);
if(isset($_GET['componist']))	{
$componist = inputControl($_GET['componist']);

//print "session: $login_id, $login_recht"; // TEST van de sessie
// + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + POST + + + + + + + + + +

if (isset($_POST['UpdateRepSubmit'])) {
	  if (isset($_POST['componist']))	{
		  $componist = inputControl($_POST['componist']);
if (isset($_POST['titel']))	{
		   $titel = inputControl($_POST['titel']);

//print'<pre>'; print_r($repertoire); print '</pre>'; //TEST2

// + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + queries

$select_query= "SELECT *
	FROM repertoire_eng
	ORDER BY componist ASC

print $select_query; // TEST 3

// # # # # # # # # # # # database connectie # # # # # # # # # # 
$dblink = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass,$db) or die ('Mysql-connectie heeft gefaald.');

if (!$dblink)	{
	// + + + + + + fout bij met maken van databaseverbinding
	$errorMsg = "Geen verbinding met de MySQL-server";
else	{
	$result = mysqli_query($dblink, $select_query);

	if($result)	{
		$i = 0;
		while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))	{ // uitlezen resultaat
			$repertoire_ids[$i] = $row['id'];
			$componisten[$i] = $row['componist'];
			$titels[$i] = $row['titel'];

else	{
		// + + + + + fout bij het uitvoeren van de query
		$errorMsg = "De query kon niet worden uitgevoerd.";

// # # # # # # # # # # einde database connectie # # # # # # # # #



In the html block:

<div id="container">
<form action="edit_repertoire.php" method="post" name="edit_repertoire" onsubmit = "return checkForm(this)">
<legend>Update repertoire in your list:</legend>

<!-- # # # # # # Toevoegen van een hiddenfield om de id op te halen uit de URL # # # # # #  -->	

<input type="hidden" name="id" value = "<?php echo $rep_id; ?>" >

<p>ID= <?php echo $rep_id; ?></p>
<p> Componist = <?php echo $componisten; ?></p>

<!-- + + + + + + + FORMREGELComponist + + + + + + + -->
<div class="formregel">
<div class="formkolomlinks">Composer name:</div>
<div class="formkolomrechts"><input name="componist" id="componist"  type="text"  maxlength="128"
value="<?php echo $componist; ?>"  /> Name first, then the initials! </div>
</div><!-- Einde formregel -->

<!-- ++ + + + + + FORMREGEL Compositie en of rol + + + + + + + -->
<div class="formregel">
<div class="formkolomlinks">Composition and or role</div>
<div class="formkolomrechts"><input name="titel" id="titel" type="text"  maxlength="128" 
value="<?php echo $titel; ?>" /></div>
</div><!-- Einde formregel -->

<!-- +++++++ FORMREGEL +++++++ -->
<div class="formregel">
<div class="formkolomlinks"><input name="updateRepSubmit" type="submit" value="Update repertoire" /></div>

</div><!-- Einde formregel -->

<div class="clear"></div>
</div><!-- einde container -->
</div><!-- einde tot_wrap -->


edit: added



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Thank you,

The displaying in the body of the update form, in which I want to show the items composer and title in the textfields.

If I echo the ID, it returns the value of the item I want to edit in the other file.


If I echo $componist, nothing returns.


So If I get the ID, why not the other items from the database in the same table: componist and titel.

I  hope my question is now more clear.

Thank you in advance,





my code :

// init
$msg = '';
$errorMsg = '';
$rep_id = array();
$componist = '';
$repertoire = '';
$titel = '';

$formOK= false;

// + + + + + + + +  GET + + + + + + + + 
if(isset($_GET['id'])) 	{
$rep_id = inputControl($_GET['id']);
if(isset($_GET['componist']))	{
$componist = inputControl($_GET['componist']);

//print "session: $login_id, $login_recht"; // TEST van de sessie
// + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + POST + + + + + + + + + +

if (isset($_POST['UpdateRepSubmit'])) {
	  if (isset($_POST['componist']))	{
		  $componist = inputControl($_POST['componist']);
if (isset($_POST['titel']))	{
		   $titel = inputControl($_POST['titel']);

//print'<pre>'; print_r($repertoire); print '</pre>'; //TEST2

// + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + queries

$select_query= "SELECT *
	FROM repertoire_eng
	ORDER BY componist ASC

print $select_query; // TEST 3

// # # # # # # # # # # # database connectie # # # # # # # # # # 
$dblink = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass,$db) or die ('Mysql-connectie heeft gefaald.');

if (!$dblink)	{
	// + + + + + + fout bij met maken van databaseverbinding
	$errorMsg = "Geen verbinding met de MySQL-server";
else	{
	$result = mysqli_query($dblink, $select_query);

	if($result)	{
		$i = 0;
		while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))	{ // uitlezen resultaat
			$repertoire_ids[$i] = $row['id'];
			$componisten[$i] = $row['componist'];
			$titels[$i] = $row['titel'];

else	{
		// + + + + + fout bij het uitvoeren van de query
		$errorMsg = "De query kon niet worden uitgevoerd.";

// # # # # # # # # # # einde database connectie # # # # # # # # #






The html code:


<div id="container">
<form action="edit_repertoire.php" method="post" name="edit_repertoire" onsubmit = "return checkForm(this)">
<legend>Update repertoire in your list:</legend>

<!-- # # # # # # Toevoegen van een hiddenfield om de id op te halen uit de URL # # # # # #  -->	

<input type="hidden" name="ud_id" value = "<?php echo $rep_id; ?>" >

<p>ID= <?php echo $rep_id; ?></p>
<p> Componist = <?php echo $componisten; ?></p>

<!-- + + + + + + + FORMREGELComponist + + + + + + + -->
<div class="formregel">
<div class="formkolomlinks">Composer name:</div>
<div class="formkolomrechts"><input name="componist" id="componist"  type="text"  maxlength="128"
value="<?php echo $componist; ?>"  /> Name first, then the initials! </div>
</div><!-- Einde formregel -->

<!-- ++ + + + + + FORMREGEL Compositie en of rol + + + + + + + -->
<div class="formregel">
<div class="formkolomlinks">Composition and or role</div>
<div class="formkolomrechts"><input name="titel" id="titel" type="text"  maxlength="128" 
value="<?php echo $titel; ?>" /></div>
</div><!-- Einde formregel -->

<!-- +++++++ FORMREGEL +++++++ -->
<div class="formregel">
<div class="formkolomlinks"><input name="updateRepSubmit" type="submit" value="Update repertoire" /></div>

</div><!-- Einde formregel -->
<div class="clear"></div>
</div><!-- einde container -->
</div><!-- einde tot_wrap -->


edit: added


The functioin inputControl:

function inputControl($tekst)	{
$tekst = trim($tekst);				// verwijdert omringende spaties
$tekst = strip_tags($tekst);		//verwijdert html-tags
//if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc)  {		// controleert db-functie
	$tekst = addslashes($tekst); 	// voegt escape karakters toe


return $tekst;						// retourneert de waarde zie je "" dan moet
									// je het op database niveau aanpassen

I see you try to get from both post and get, while the form is post method.


When you do it the post method, $_POST['UpdateRepSubmit'] must be set (at least according to your code), else it doesn't get the $_POST['componist']. you think you've set it with the submit button, if I'm not totally wrong, then you can't do that. You should set a hidden input instead. <input type="hidden" name="UpdateRepSubmit" value="1" />




if (isset($_POST['UpdateRepSubmit'])) {

  if (isset($_POST['componist'])){

    $componist = inputControl($_POST['componist']);


  if (isset($_POST['titel'])){

    $titel = inputControl($_POST['titel']);




also as I said earlier, don't: echo $componisten;

it is an array, so you must specify the key.

MMDE - you can pass a value using a submit button, provided it's got a name attribute.


yeah okay. As I said, I wasn't 100% sure.


But $componist is an empty string unless you got it from $_GET or $_POST, and from $_POST, you only get it if (isset($_POST['UpdateRepSubmit'])). You get $componisten from the db, but it's an array, and you treat it as a variable.

Is the code wrong?

I made it myself, but I see there are a lot of possibilities to programm your code.

Is there a specific style for american or dutch coding?

Properbly a silly question, but I still can't find out the best way to code. I learnt it thisway.

Is this ok?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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