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syntex error??


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It would probably be best if you were to post the whole script at this point. Just remove any database passwords, etc.

i was one step ahead of u

				$subject_set = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM subjects",$connection );
				die("DB query failed:" . mysql_error());

				while($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set))
				echo "<li>{$page['menu_name']}</li>";
				$query="SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id = $subject['id']";
					echo $query;
					$page_set=mysql_query($query) or die( "<br>Query string: $query<br>Produced error: " . mysql_error() );
				echo"<ul class=\"pages\">";
				while($page= mysql_fetch_array($page_set))
				echo "<li>{$page["menu_name"]}</li>";

				echo "</ul>";


thats what im currently working on

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It would probably be best if you were to post the whole script at this point. Just remove any database passwords, etc.

Still I think you are correct about what the exact problem is though. :P

echo "<li>{$page['menu_name']}</li>";

arrays must have brackets when used in magic quotes.

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You should have done as he said :P


$subject_set = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM subjects',$connection);
die('DB query failed:' . mysql_error());
while($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set)){
echo '<li>'.$page['menu_name'].'</li>';
$query='SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id = '.$subject['id'];
echo $query;
$page_set=mysql_query($query) or die( '<br>Query string: '.$query.'<br>Produced error: ' . mysql_error() );
echo '<ul class="pages">';
while($page= mysql_fetch_array($page_set)){
echo '<li>'.$page["menu_name"].'</li>';
echo '</ul>';

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thx for the code... inserted it got this when loaded pg


Notice: Undefined variable: page in C:\wamp\www\widget_corp\content.php on line 24


Notice: Undefined variable: page in C:\wamp\www\widget_corp\content.php on line 24


Notice: Undefined variable: page in C:\wamp\www\widget_corp\content.php on line 24


SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id =Query string: SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id =

Produced error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1


y is this sooo flippen hard if im such a newb!!! lol

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Added curly braces around {$subject['id']}, no more parse errors . . .


$subject_set = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM subjects",$connection );
if(!$subject_set) {
die("DB query failed:" . mysql_error());
while($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set)) {
echo "<li>{$page['menu_name']}</li>";
$query="SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id = {$subject['id']}";
echo $query;
$page_set=mysql_query($query) or die( "<br>Query string: $query<br>Produced error: " . mysql_error() );
echo"<ul class=\"pages\">";
while($page= mysql_fetch_array($page_set)) {
echo "<li>{$page["menu_name"]}</li>";
if(mysql_num_rows($page_set)>0) {
echo "</ul>";

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$subject_set = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM subjects',$connection);
die('DB query failed:' . mysql_error());
while($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set)){
echo '<li>'.$subject['menu_name'].'</li>';
$query='SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id = '.$subjects[0]['id'];
echo $query;
$page_set=mysql_query($query) or die( '<br>Query string: '.$query.'<br>Produced error: ' . mysql_error() );
echo '<ul class="pages">';
while($page= mysql_fetch_array($page_set)){
echo '<li>'.$page["menu_name"].'</li>';
echo '</ul>';


$page was never assigned when you first used it in the first loop!

(all I originally did was to edit your script to not use magic quotes, because they scare me.)

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ok i fixed thanks u guys soooooo much :)...

i h8 this stupid video for this....

should i stop useing the video??. considering its teaching me old syntex??.

old? =P

I think you should keep on using it, but try to mess around with it after you've seen how stuff has been done by others. You learn far more from that.


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It isn't necessarily teaching old syntax, but it isn't teaching what most would consider best practices. Unfortunately, anyone can make a video, or write a tutorial and put it on the internet. The people who have the least knowledge of a subject are the ones who suffer the most from shoddy information because they simply don't know the information is bad.

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