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Make an array global available


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I've been developing a browsergame. In this you are able to produce something ("weed"). Now I've got some kind of trouble with the function that is responsible for updating the "weed" on the user accounts.


Im going to explain, how my script is working


First step:


Loading the datas from "worlds". In this case id, weed_factor, weed_basis. What this is required for you will see in the next steps  :-*



include 'includes/settings/mysql.php';
mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);

$time = time();

$update_weed_world_data_sql = "SELECT id, weed_factor, weed_basis FROM worlds";
$update_weed_world_data_res = mysql_query($update_weed_world_data_sql) OR DIE (mysql_error());
while($update_weed_world_data_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($update_weed_world_data_res)){
$update_weed_world_id = $update_weed_world_data_while['id'];
$update_weed_world_basis[$update_weed_world_id] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_basis'];
$update_weed_world_factor[$update_weed_world_id] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_factor'];
global $update_weed_world_basis;


Second step:


This is the function which is editing each account by the data given as parameters.


function do_update_weed($profile_id,$world,$update,$level,$time){
$update_weed_period = $time - $update;
$update_weed_add = ($update_weed_period / 3600 * $update_weed_world_basis[$world] * pow($update_weed_world_factor[$world],$level)) +1;
echo $update_weed_world_basis[$world];
echo "<br>";
mysql_query("UPDATE profiles SET weed = weed +$update_weed_add, weed_update = $time WHERE id = $profile_id LIMIT 1");




echo $update_weed_world_basis[$world];


doesnt result an output.


In step three, the accounts are loaded:


function todo_update_weed($time){
$todo_update_weed_sql = "SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE weed_update < $time";
$todo_update_weed_res = mysql_query($todo_update_weed_sql) or die (mysql_error());
while($todo_update_weed_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($todo_update_weed_res)){
do_update_weed(			$todo_update_weed_while['id'],


And the last step is calling function "todo_update_weed" with the time.




I script calculate the time between the last update and the current time. This make a difference in time. With this value I calculate something else. And then the update time has to be saved.


The script has just working fine, when I set the variable "$update_weed_add" with a fix value. But by now the script doesn't work, because I don't know how to make the array available inside functions.


I considered whether I put the database-function for the world_data inside the function that updates the profiles. But if I do this, the database will be called thousands of times...


Hope anybody has a nice idea to fix the problem  ;D



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Okay, I tried, but that doesn't work:



include 'includes/settings/mysql.php';
mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);

$time = time();

$update_weed_world_data_sql = "SELECT id, weed_factor, weed_basis FROM worlds";
$update_weed_world_data_res = mysql_query($update_weed_world_data_sql) OR DIE (mysql_error());
while($update_weed_world_data_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($update_weed_world_data_res)){
$update_weed_world_id = $update_weed_world_data_while['id'];
$update_weed_world_basis[$update_weed_world_id] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_basis'];
$update_weed_world_factor[$update_weed_world_id] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_factor'];

function do_update_weed($profile_id,$world,$update,$level,$time,$ba,$fa){
$update_weed_period = $time - $update;
$update_weed_add = ($update_weed_period / 3600 * $ba[$world] * pow($fa[$world],$level)) +1;
echo $update_weed_world_basis[$world]*5;
echo "<br>";
mysql_query("UPDATE profiles SET weed = weed +$update_weed_add, weed_update = $time WHERE id = $profile_id LIMIT 1");

function todo_update_weed($time,$ba,$fa){
$todo_update_weed_sql = "SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE weed_update < $time";
$todo_update_weed_res = mysql_query($todo_update_weed_sql) or die (mysql_error());
while($todo_update_weed_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($todo_update_weed_res)){
do_update_weed(			$todo_update_weed_while['id'],

todo_update_weed($time, $update_weed_world_basis[$update_weed_world_id], $update_weed_world_factor[$update_weed_world_id]);

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