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I know I am probably posting this in the wrong place, SORRY! lol Not sure where to post this.. but anyways.

I am wondering if I am approaching coding php the correct way or not.. About how long would YOU put into making a full register script with address yada yada? Like.. It takes me days, but I'm never happy with the way it looks lol Any suggestions or something? lol



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It would take me between an hour and a day, depending on the exact spec.


As for suggestions, start with something simpler and build up from there.  Eg start with a script taking one input and displaying it.  Then change it so it stores that one input into the database instead.  Then have it check for duplicates before storing.  Then add a second input item.  Then add the rest of the input items.

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It would take me between an hour and a day, depending on the exact spec.


As for suggestions, start with something simpler and build up from there.  Eg start with a script taking one input and displaying it.  Then change it so it stores that one input into the database instead.  Then have it check for duplicates before storing.  Then add a second input item.  Then add the rest of the input items.


hmm k Well, I know php fairly well now.. I use a class like $db->q("yada yada"); etc. But, my main struggle is the security in fields. Such as, sanitizing user input :/ I know how to do like.. if ($_POST['username'] == '') or (empty($_POST['username'])) and I'd make sure that username doesn't already exist.. But its like.. all the things together looks messy to me :/

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You can make a function, eg "validate_username()".  Then put all the messiness inside there.  Creating a function (or object, structure, etc etc) to hide the messiness is one of the most effective ways to simplify a program and make it easy to understand and get working properly.

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You can make a function, eg "validate_username()".  Then put all the messiness inside there.  Creating a function (or object, structure, etc etc) to hide the messiness is one of the most effective ways to simplify a program and make it easy to understand and get working properly.


So you mean create a function for everything pretty much? lol

like.. validate_username(), validate_email() etc?

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Yep, exactly.  Then your main code looks a bit like this:


if (! validate_username($username)) {
  # Validation error, do something here
if (! validate_email($email)) {
  # Validation error, do something here


which is much easier to read than


if (empty($email) || !preg_match('|[a-zA-Z0-9]+unreadable*regexp^goes?here|', $email)) {
  # Validation error


Then down below you have


function validate_email($email) {
  if (empty($email)) return false;
  if (!preg_match('|messy regexp for email validation, found from google|', $email)) return false;

  # Email looks valid
  return true;

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Yep, exactly.  Then your main code looks a bit like this:


if (! validate_username($username)) {
  # Validation error, do something here
if (! validate_email($email)) {
  # Validation error, do something here


which is much easier to read than


if (empty($email) || !preg_match('|[a-zA-Z0-9]+unreadable*regexp^goes?here|', $email)) {
  # Validation error


Then down below you have


function validate_email($email) {
  if (empty($email)) return false;
  if (!preg_match('|messy regexp for email validation, found from google|', $email)) return false;

  # Email looks valid
  return true;


ah k cool. So question. How would you do errors? I usually just echo then out, create a var like.. $errors = true; under the echo'd message, then do.. if ($errors == false) create user.. yada yada. But I'm sure there are easier better ways..

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