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I am trying to connect to ASC web service to do queries, however nothing seems to work. This is was i started with just to test and I am getting nothing also attached are the instructions I was provided:


$asc = new SoapClient('https://www.asc.gov/wsvc/ASCQuerySvc.asmx');
return $asc->GetQueryableFields();


Any help would be appreciated.


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This doesn't seem to work any suggestions?

$asc = new SoapClient('https://www.asc.gov/wsvc/ASCQuerySvc.asmx?WSDL');
$fields = array('St_Abbr','Lic_Number','Lname','Fname','Mname','Name_Suffix','Eff_Date','Exp_Date','Lic_Type','Status','Company','Phone','Street','City','State','County_Code','Zip','Edi_Capability','Action_Code','Start_Date','End_Date');
$filters = array(array('FieldName'=>'Lname','Operator'=>'Equals','Operands'=>'Smith'));
print_r($asc->RunQuery(null, $fields, $filters, true, 0));

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Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ASCv3WS.Utils.AreOutputFieldsValid(DataTable dt, String[] outputFields, Boolean& ShowDiscipline, Boolean isAuthenticated) at ASCv3WS.Utils.ConstructQuery(String[] outputFields, FilterCondition[] filters, Boolean& showDiscipline, Int32 maxResults, Boolean isAuthenticated, Boolean& bIsLicenseNumberSpecified, Boolean& bIsSt_AbbrSpecified, Boolean& bIsLicTypeSpecified) at ASCv3WS.Utils.ExecuteQuery(String[] outputFields, FilterCondition[] filters, Boolean showDiscipline, Int32 maxResults, Boolean isAuthenticated) at ASCv3WS.ASCQuerySvc.RunQuery(String[] outputFields, FilterCondition[] filters, Boolean showDiscipline, Int32 maxResults) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/asc.php:13 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call('RunQuery', in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/asc.php on line 13

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here is my current code and error i am getting:


$asc = new SoapClient('https://www.asc.gov/wsvc/ASCQuerySvc.asmx?WSDL');
$fields = array('St_Abbr','Lic_Number','Lname','Fname','Mname','Name_Suffix','Eff_Date','Exp_Date','Lic_Type','Status','Company','Phone','Street','City','State','County_Code','Zip','Edi_Capability','Action_Code','Start_Date','End_Date');

$filters = array(array('FieldName'=>'Lname','Operator'=>'Equals','Operands'=>'Smith'), array('FieldName'=>'Fname','Operator'=>'Equals','Operands'=>'Bob'));

return $asc->RunQuery($fields, $filters, true, 0);


Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object hasn't 'showDiscipline' property in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/asc.php:11 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call('RunQuery', Array) #1 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/asc.php(11): SoapClient->RunQuery(Array, Array, true, 0) #2 {main} thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/asc.php on line 11


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updated the code and still same error, i am banging my head what am i doing wrong:


ini_set("display_errors", -1);

class FilterCondition {
    public $FieldName;
    public $Operator;
    public $Operands;

$oFilter1 = new FilterCondition;
$oFilter1 -> FieldName = 'Lname';
$oFilter1 -> Operator = 'Equals';
$oFilter1 -> Operands = 'Smith';

$oFilter2 = new FilterCondition;
$oFilter2 -> FieldName = 'Fname';
$oFilter2 -> Operator = 'Equals';
$oFilter2 -> Operands = 'Bob';

$asc = new SoapClient('https://www.asc.gov/wsvc/ASCQuerySvc.asmx?WSDL');
$filters = (object)array($oFilter1, $oFilter2);
$fields = array('St_Abbr','Lic_Number','Lname','Fname','Mname','Name_Suffix','Eff_Date','Exp_Date','Lic_Type','Status','Company','Phone','Street','City','State','County_Code','Zip','Edi_Capability','Action_Code','Start_Date','End_Date');

return $asc->RunQuery(null, $fields, $filters, true, 0);

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When I run this it works fine, not sure what I am doing that is wrong:


$asc = new SoapClient('https://www.asc.gov/wsvc/ASCQuerySvc.asmx?WSDL');


This returns the Queryable Fields the RunQuery gives me the error

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